***** Christmas Baby Challenge - 2015 *****

I love the name Victoria…I think it is a beautiful name…My niece was named VIctoria but we always called her Tori…She was the most beautiful, sweet girl - was so kind to everyone…She suddenly passed away at age 18 in 2012 from mercury poisoning from eating sushi…She ate there on Saturday, got sick Sunday, went to hospital Monday morning and passed away Tuesday night…Was so sudden. :sob: Thankfully she is in heaven and we will see her again one day…Here is her picture…


So sorry. :’( What a beautiful girl. Looked like a sweetheart.

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I’m so sorry :frowning:
I like the name, It just doesn’t “fit” me, You know? I’m not sure why, It just doesn’t feel or sound right.

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Thank you everyone…I guess this probably wasn’t the best topic thread to mention that on… :anguished: I do miss her so much…Try not to dwell in it though because I think there are those special ones that God allows to go to be with Him in Heaven before the rest of us…and she was one very special girl! :heart:


Can I still join the challenge?

Absolutely…Yes you are very welcome and will love to have you join…The more the merrier…

Just need the photos but Nov 27th so they can be posted for the voting on Nov 28 - 30… :smile:

YAAAAAYYYYYYY! I got my first entrant photos for the challenge!!! (not telling whose though…lol) :smile:

Going to be a really fun challenge ladies… :smile:
Looking forward to seeing more soon. :wink:


@westernstarr. I am so sorry for your loss. She was a truly beautiful young lady.

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@demonicchic12 I love the name Victoria. When I hear that name, it makes me think of the mansions in New Orleans and elegant ladies. It also has a kind of gothic nuance to it.


I like the name too, But it doesn’t fit me. Every time someone says my name (when talking to me) it just sounds weird.


Thanks Diane, We miss her! :cry: but I know she is happy where she is and we will see her again one day :smile:

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Laides, I have 2 entries now…and if these are any indication of what we have in store - boy oh boy is this going to be a very, very tough contest! :smile:


Wow, Keep the pictures coming ladies…Loving these!


Mine will be in soon :slight_smile: Hopefully by the end of next weekend maybe earlier if I can sneak in some reborning time. Convince my teachers to not give me homework this week and it’ll be sooner :laughing:


That will be great! just need her name and phone number and I will see if I can arrange it…heehee :wink:


I don’t have phone numbers but I do have their email addresses :laughing: I’m sure my teachers will just LOVE getting emails asking them to not give me homework this week

lololololol I bet they would too… :grinning:

They might give me MORE homework if we did that :laughing: My child studies teacher definitely would lol


I hope to get my pics to you next week

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SUPER!!! looking forward to receiving them… :smile: