Christine Wooley Tutorial

I’m so scared to even try. I just received the Blonde hair tutorial with paints. Has anyone here used it? I’m been impressed by those on the FB page that have stating it was their first time using it. I’ve never worked with air dry and afraid it may be harder for me to get the hang of it. I’m trying to think of which head I can muck up with it and not feel completed deflated.:thinking:


I’ve thought about ordering it. I don’t think I’m ready yet tho.


Apparently, I’m not either. I’ve been trying to paint hair for 6 years and only moved a foot in my mile of learning. Fingers crossed, though. It’s an expensive tutorial. :weary:


I bought it -but haven’t tried it yet - I m scared to too lol -I did read over the tutorial and it is very good and detailed -be sure and join the fb page - she had posted yesterday that she was adding how to videos soon :slight_smile:


Thanks for your input. I don’t normally do blonde hair. She has stated that she is doing a dark hair tutorial later this year. I was hoping to get the hang of this one before that one became available.

Yes, I’ve seen the price. At least she sends you everything tho.


Yes - I also saw where she said after she sells it as a kit -later she will sell tutorials separately- I do love the paints also - air dry has definitely been a learning curve for me -and I wasn’t experienced on ghsp yet either lol -

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Yes, I tried it . The first layer for me it was kind of dark but gets better with each layer and as she said in her tutorial the hair comes to life with te last layer . It did . I seen way better work on Facebook then mine.
Who ever sais painting is faster and easier …so that isn’t true . I been faster with prisma pencil as I had more control over it then with the paints .

My babies hair come out ok but I have to much to improve .
I am not to fan of the blond hair so waiting for the brown hair tutorial .

Please do read more reviews on Facebook . It is pricy but I am sure she had lots of work to do preparing the tutorial .


Absolutely. I hope she makes lots of money.:money_mouth_face: Well worth it if it can take my hair painting to the next level.

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He looks great! I would be very please if my first one came out that nicely.:grinning:

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Great job !!


Do you paint your babies with air dry or GHSP? I use GHSP and prep my kits with satin varnish before I paint and at the end when I finish painting the hair. Do you know if the satin varnish is OK to use after I paint hair with these paints?

I bought it and am in process of trying it. I’m using my Kate baby. I think everything that could have gone wrong with her, has (I painted inside her head blue and that has made her dark, rooted her hair wrong, tried to fix it, burnt some hair while using salt lamp…) anyway, I shaved her head and am trying it painted . I am making this baby for my aunt who has Alzheimer’s so psinted hair will probably work best.

I’m not a fan of blonde painted, but I really wanted to learn. Here’s what I have done so far


According to Lisa Sylvia ( creator of paints ) you can use over Ghsp paints and it is recommended to seal with varnish first :slight_smile:

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Good job so far - some babies are just difficult lol

Veronica Lale’s blond hair is super impressive! (her picture she shared on facebook)

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I think it’s a good start. Build those layers and keep us posted with pics.:grinning:

Yes, Used it on GHSP . I just sealed it before painting the hair.

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I have been told that it is the best on the market. When I can get the money together, I hope to order a set – I want the dark hair set, though. I want to try to find a practice head to try it out. I mean – who knows what I will come up with! LOL

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Yes, it is pricey – but I don’t have a problem with her price – just have a problem with my dolly dollars! I hope to save up and get the dark one, though. I think the best thing to do is just dive in on a practice head. What harm can you do? And, if we do better, we will be so happy!

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