Check in, catch up, how ya doin?

You are lucky, Joy! you live near Gina, so awesome!


Not terribly far from me, either. 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours.


I totally forgot about this video. Awwww…I loved making those babies. Thank you for the share.


Costuming is my favorite part, I have a huge collection of trim and ribbon that I have been hoarding for about ten years at least. It is one of those silly things that makes me happy. Some of it came from my retail store. I wish I could have kept it all when I closed the store to have a baby. I have seen people try and copy what I am doing with costuming and I think what they miss is the opportunity to just kinda figure out their own little yumminess. It isn’t hard to go out and try to hunt down what someone else is using and emulate it. The real artistry is doing your own thing, using what you have or what you love. Being “creative” means taking all the things you have and doing something new and fun with them, that no one else is doing. I know I harp on it overly much, and I don’t mean to shame anyone, I just know that so many people have gifts and talents they don’t let shine. There is an artist here who made her babies look like vintage China, it blew me away, love those babies!


Thank you so much. Those were some fun babies to make. After this round I may do another circus batch of babies. The large sized babies are a harder sell but the newborns do well. It is hit or miss with fantasy babies because your audience is smaller. I need to level up a little, I may need to do some sketching. Thank you again.


Well you did an awesome job Gina, and your love for them really shows! I haven’t seen any that are quite like yours.
you should definitely make some more :slightly_smiling_face::purple_heart:


Thank you so much @anjsmiles, for putting this out there for me (and everyone) I thoroughly enjoyed watching them. It’s been so long since I’ve seen a video from Gina that this was a real treat!! I know they are a bit older videos but I sure enjoyed them anyway. If you run into any more I would appreciate it if you could post them too. Doesn’t have to be clowns, just any will do, I love watching her and she has such a soothing voice!! Not to mention she used to tell such great stories!!


I can see that. The ones you had in the video that tugged on my heart are the newborn sized one. Manicotti and Peanut were my favorites on the video. It has made me want to make another clown baby. It is hard not to be inspired by your costuming and style because it is so very pretty! I can see why others want to do the same. You know what they say about imitation being the best form of flattery!

I have not done a lot of fantasy babies but every now and then I tried my hand at the creative side. I even have a name, logo and printed up cards for my “weird” line that I call Buzzard Babies- Babies that the Stork would not deliver. Here are the few things I have photos of but they are all from my days before I had a decent camera.

This was my one and only clown baby from 2013. I actually made the wig!

My Vampire Viktor Darkwood

Bat Boy from 2016

Flamingo baby from last year. She had pink hair. I drew the artwork on her and then painted it with acrylics.


Thank you for posting it here! I literally can keep-up with all SM updates, so I was thrilled to watch it here.
@Gabriell Gina, you outfit choices and the way how you modify baby clothes is ingenious, it’s blew my mind! Everything are just incredible! :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :heart:


Yelena, I think the clothes you have made for your elf’s, etc are equally as beautiful, unique as Gina’s. This isn’t discounting Gina’s, the outfits for both belong on a movie set or tee hee, my dolls. I bet my dolls would then sell!


Aww, thank you so much, Penelope :hugs:
So good to hear from you here!

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I love the fabric this little person is laying on!! So pretty!! (the little guy/gal) with the flamingos on the legs.

That is a bed sheet on my mini crib. I got a set of 3 on
Amazon and used them on both my mini cribs. One of the cribs my grand baby slept in here til she outgrew it.

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well, it’s sure pretty.