Check in, catch up, how ya doin?

Thank you :relaxed: yes it’s air dry (Golden paints). Can’t wait to see your “crazy baby painting ideas”!
Your babies are always unique and beautiful.

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Just enjoying reading here what everyone is up to.

JoyW I never heard of POTS til about a year ago I learned that my friend Denise Osterhout of D3 Creations has it. I have learned from her it presents with many challenges. Glad you are feelng some better.

I still work 3 days a week at the chiropractor. Been there 12 1/2 years now. Honestly, it is growing old to me. I am ready to retire but can’t do without the extra income just yet. I long to be free to enjoy my days before I am too old to do so!

I have been working madly on painting up my Simply Babies™ that I do for Christmas sales. I have 1 completed and 4 more in progress at different stages.

Sales do seem slow…I have 2 babies left over from DOTW waiting to be sold.

I am going to Kansas show in Sept. just for the fun of being there. So there is that to look forward to.


I have been checking ebay frequently and sales are about zero…I am worried for when I start back…at least i dont have a huge stash of kits…:woozy_face:

I have created ANOTHER Pinterest board for quilts…it seems I can’t just pick on craft…I want to try a bunch and be good at none :rofl:


I like Marita Winter’s sculpts

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Hi Gina, glad to have a place to catch up with everyone! I love your work and can’t wait to see what your newest ideas are for your next babies. Summer is a busy time and you sound like you are working hard and enjoying time with family…there will be plenty of time to paint once school starts again!
So special to be able to hear how everyone is spending their time right now!
I’ve not painted in almost a year but getting itchy to get back to it. Somehow taking a break seems to make me love it even more once I can restart. Hopefully will get to do so soon.
Meanwhile I was diagnosed with early breast cancer a couple of months ago and have already had a lumpectomy and am now almost ready to begin radiation. Will start aromatase inhibitors (pills) after that. Not enjoying this part of my life but it could certainly be worse. I’m actually counting my blessings and learning so much as I research cancer treatments and outcomes. If anyone has any tips for radiation treatments I’d love to hear them!


Both of my sisters have had breast cancer. One had a mastectomy and no further treatment. The other had a mastectomy followed by oral chemotherapy. Both are more than 10 years post surgery. Cancer isn’t what it used to be. There are more and better treatments and more people than ever are recovering from it. Hang in there. It’s quite a journey. I’ll be praying for you. :hugs: PMd you.


Prayers :pray::heart:

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I am post breast cancer two years. I am on anastrozole. I had radiation after my lumpectomy also. I will be thinking of you.


Will be praying for you also…:pray:t2:

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Praying for you, as well :heart:

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Oh no, I am so sorry you are going through this. So many healing prayers and vibes coming your way.

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Lots of prayers for you. My mom and my grandmother both had breast cancer and both actually rejected radiation. My grandmother is gone now, but cancer never returned and she passed away from something else that was not at all related. My mom is still here and 6 years out doing good. She does take an aromatase inhibitor. My grandmother took tamoxifen because I do not think there was another option back then. My mom had genetic testing, but was not offered DCISionRT- maybe it is too new. I know many doctors do use that now to help measure the benefit of radiation based on the characteristics of each person’s cancer. I am very high risk and have atypical ductal hyperplasia, so breast cancer is a great concern for me. I wish we could just get rid of cancer!! I do not know if a mammogram that picks up on a pre-pre cancer is good or bad. That is how I found out about what I have. 70% never do get cancer, but they cannot predict who will be in the other 30% so they treat it all exactly like it already is cancer except the radiation. I rejected all that and hope I do not regret it. Take care and try to eliminate any stress.

My summer has been not that great. Really it started with the tornado that came though on March 31 and since one thing after another, but I am painting and also working on some things for me. Like this antique doll- you can see she had a serious paint rub. I touched that up today and will work on restoring her wig next weekend.


Hope some awesome days find you before summer ends.

A tornado, we don’t have them here, they sound terrifying.


They are terrifying. This was the worst that I have ever experienced. I was scared to look outside the next morning. I did not know what would be gone. We were very lucky compared to our neighbors.


@Gabriell I just last night was looking at sold babies on reborns and ran across one of your clown babies. Then it put me to watching the video where you showed several of them. That was the first time I really saw any of your finished work of clowns. I loved them! I also enjoyed hearing you talk about each one so sweetly. You can tell you take much pride in your work and loved them. I always wanted to try another clown baby one day. The only one I ever made came out more comical. I like yours because they have pretty coloring that almost looks air brushed and soft. I also really liked all the detailing on the outfits. You really inspired me!


Angie, where did you get to watch Gina’s videos of her clowns? I would love to watch, I so miss her on You Tube!! @anjsmiles


I was looking at her listings on Reborns both current and sold and it was on one of those. Hold on I will find the link. You may have already seen this one but she shows several babies in it.


She absolutely does beautiful work !!!


Wow the outfit choices are so well thought out and incredibly creative! Love!! I hate clowns but these are really beautiful!


I’ve gotten to see a few in person and they are AMAZING!