Celeste Challenge Poll (Voting over) Winner ABC1234! Baby #2

She will be doing daily totals and posting around 11pm eastern, I think.

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Thanks Amyā€¦Love having you aroundā€¦You always know whatā€™s going on and keep the rest of us up to dateā€¦ :smile:


Iā€™m amazed at the Celeste with the fully opened eyes. Wow!


I think I voted twice. I think I did it wrong the first time so I did it again, sorry if it caused a problem, I am not very computer literate, Please accept my apology. Ladies all your babies were beautiful and it was quite a challenge to pick 2. I wanted to vote for all of them. Canā€™t wait for the tally.


So many of these babies are just beautiful. You did us such a service, Michelle. Thank you so much for hosting this. I had such a time of it voting. There were four of them I wanted to choose. When I finally settled on two I felt sorry for the other two because they deserved my vote too. I canā€™t believe the job people have done on this sculpt. I am totally humbled by the talent on this forum.


I liked those eyes, too.


I wouldnā€™t have thought that could be possible.


They look good, though. Iā€™d like to open eyes on other kits like that.

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I will be posting the daily tally between 9pm and 11pm, Hopefully more towards 9pm. I will post it as a separate topic so people can find it.

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@lynn, Got it all figured out. No worries.

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Can I ask what time it is there now? It is 4:40am August 2nd here so just wondering what the time difference is from eastern standard time and our time here?

Right now itā€™s 2:45 pm Aug 1st. You are 14 hrs ahead of me. What are you doing upā€¦lol.


I am a night owlā€¦heeheeā€¦If I wasnā€™t I would never be able to talk to you ladies here so I am glad that my time clock is set on night time hoursā€¦It is most peaceful at this time and I love the quiet and being able to do my dolls and things without phones ringing and things to distract meā€¦ :smile: thankfully my hubby is the same so we stay up at night and sleep the morning hours awayā€¦


You know, Iā€™m supposed to be painting my sunroom. So when my husband gets home and nothing is done, Iā€™m blaming it all on you guys. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


OK I votedā€¦ That was tough though.


All you ladies (and possibly gents) in this challenge - - - you did a great job and it was very hard to choose. I would say this baby is the biggest Challenge so far!!


I will have to look again when I am on my desktop computer. The iPad only displays one photo of each starting with number 17??? I am impressed with some of the gorgeous babies that have been entered! I am still not buying the sculpt, but these are darling!


Are you sure that posting the results nightly is a good idea? Usually the results are only shown after a vote has been cast? Might influence voting one way or another?


@micholc Hmmm, @pia has a point. I hadnā€™t thought about that before. :confused:

Sorry- I sent two messages because I realized I didnā€™t format the first one the way you asked us to and I wanted to do it correctly. Hope thatā€™s okay!

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