Celeste Challenge Poll (Voting over) Winner ABC1234! Baby #2

Well, I had my finger on the reply button for the tally when I saw this post. I don’t have to post the tally. I thought members wanted to see the progress. I can see where it might influence someone’s vote whether they realize it or not. Members, let me know.

I say do what you originally planned to do. You will never please everyone.


We don’t know who did what doll… I don’t really think it will matter. But whatever everyone else wants to do is fine with me.

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I agree with Pia, it could influence someones vote is they see a tally before the end of the contest, And any other contests for just about anything don’t show a winner until it’s done. I think we should wait guys!! I know it’s hard but maybe it will be completely fair that way as NOBODY knows whats going on until the end. JMO


As curious as I am about the current standings, I’m fine with waiting until the end. On most polls, you don’t know the status until after you vote so it doesn’t skew the results.

Are we suppose to vote using your email?

At the top of the poll page, she has the “form” for you to paste into a PM to her.

I noticed that there were a couple double entries also!! I could tell from the contents of the photo shoot ( same articles )
I could not remember what the rules were for entering two babies in the same contest anyway! LoL!!

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We can’t help it if we needed you!! LoL!!

Push that button Michele!!

I didn’t notice that. I think it was ok to enter more than one, though.


Yes, Amy is right… we were told that it was ok to enter more than one which technically is a disadvantage for a person as it tends to possibly split the number of votes they would have received for just one entry anyway so really that shouldn’t be an issue at all…It is just for fun and it is FUN! I don’t think anyone should feel that these challenges are an indicator of their quality of work…everyone is at different levels of experience and beauty is in the eye of the beholder - some people like painted hair, some don’t, some like fair skin, some don’t, some like birthmarks or beauty spots, some don’t and on and on…so it is sort of like choosing a place to eat…some like Mickey Ds and some like Burger King. SO LET"S KEEP THE FUN GOING…I am loving it!!!


@EmilyBB - it is an absolute shame that your tech people cannot come up,with a way to do a poll within the BB forum. That option existed before the forum was reformatted and I am sure your technical support can make it work again. How about it @bbsupport?


I have finally voted but I can say it was not an easy choice…and I have to say that I find myself constantly being drawn back to the pictures every time I log on just to see them all again…Great Job ladies…I truly mean that…everyone worked so hard and are all such good sports in participating in these challenges…I love this forum and you ladies are the reason why!!!


Oh what cute little babies. I just voted an I did it backwards the one I wanted first I put second an the one I put first I didn’t want to vote for lol Maybe I shouldn’t of voted before I had coffee lol good luck all your babies are georgous very hard to choose :blush::blush::blush:

Oh, nooo! You definitely need more coffee!

Finally cast my votes and the only way I was able to choose since you ladies did such a fantastic job with each and every one of these babies, was to go back to what made this baby such a challenge to begin with…her mouth and tongue. That said, I still wish I could have voted for 4!!!
And thank you @micholc for the great job running this poll!


I finally managed to vote! I am impressed and also surprised at what an adorable little boy the kit makes! Cudos ladies!


WOW! This was a very tough decision. They are all so cute.


Can’t wait for the results! Great work everyone. They are all so lovely!!