Celeste at last

I got my Celeste finished and submitted. She weighs six pounds! Big girl. I haven’t given her a name yet which is unusual. I usually name them right away. She’s been tough to bond with.


Can’t wait for pics!

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I am still painting mine, but I LOVE her!!

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I have always really liked the sculpt but I took her pre-painting pics where I stuff a onesie and slide the limbs in and I absolutely fell in love with her! Today is my second day of painting and she’s coming along nicely.


I love her! Mine is pretty much painted but needs brows and last minute stuff. Then I will start hair. I am sure she will be submitted last minute lol


Waiting on her head to arrive, but I have to say the vinyl is very nice and takes paint sooooo easily. I love her arms and legs, so much detail! That face, though ~ it’s one only a mother could love, for sure. LOL Maybe I’ll feel differently once I see her all finished. Hope so.


She does have very nice vinyl. So does my toddler from another company, but the head is much harder than the limbs.


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She;s already submitted and I’m still having problems with her. I noticed one of her her eyes has slipped and I’ll have to fix that before I can sell her. Oh well, She’s mine til mid-july so plenty of time…


Day three of painting mine, loving all of the little “bully” (I love that bulldog comment, I have two bullies and she does resemble them a bit) even coming along nicely on those shiny piggies, I have to keep the legs stuffed now since they keep going flat on me. Hoping I don’t have to pull out the other set, but I will if needed. Little head and arms are in the oven, time to make sure the timer is on my side!

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Got your pics Helen. Four entries so far. Keep them coming!!!


Can’t wait to see all the pics.
I’ve never been a fan of any of Musgrove’s kits. I have reborned a Libby. When that kit was released, there was talk about how the face looked like it had been smacked with a frying pan. :scream:


Wow!! Everyone is completing fast!!! What is the next contest??? I just couldn’t handle that Celeste mouth… Not with my track record lately! But… I am in on the next one!!! Who will it be??

I love the idea of contests, but just can’t commit my time and money on a kit that may be a bad investment. I don’t have or want any keepers. I enjoy being just a foster mom. :wink:


Send two pics(face and body) to micholc@aol.com. :blush:

That’s awesome!!! I can’t wait to see pix of her!!

We can pic a kit that might not be a bad investment!!!

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My Celeste heads are finished Just need hair…and limbs need a couple more layers and I can put them together. (I have been painting both Celeste kits at the same time making twins - a peeper and and sleeper) …Fortunately, one is already sold…yayyyyyyyyy! SO will finish them when I get back from another dreaded trip to the reno house (we go every other week to work on it…Hope to be done by mid- August…Normally I would be finished with them but still trying to get custom orders out as well when I am down this end so have to squish them in when I can…will probably be a late submitter as well but hope to get in at the last minute… :smile:


Man oh man, did I have a BAD hour this evening…I decided to put Celeste eyes in…BOY WAS THAT FUN!!! I had it all planned out…thought I would mould some polyclay around the eyes and sort of stick them in to make them form to the socket…YEAH RIGHT!!..that worked really well…NOT!! so I get this bright idea to add a little bit of E6000 to the clay around the edges and that would hold it in…hmmmmmmmm yeah ok…ended up with this gooy mushy mess that I had to clean out of the inside of the head and off the eyes…(never try that at home!). so then I decide that I will use a little bit of blue tack (white coloured) - to hold them in place while I carefully drop a bit of super glue in from the front…HAHAHA!!! that ran straight done to the neck opening and glued 2 of my fingers together and both those to the vinyl…BEAUTIFUL!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY…ruined that set of eyes so off to a new pair of eyes and so finally a new master plan…I taped the eyes in place with masking tape…looked great…then decided to add 2 tiny drops of super glue to either side of the eye whites (I know not to get it on the front of the eye or you end up with cloudy eyes- just learned that lesson with the other eyes…well this worked great!!!..only I had left the lid loose on my E6000 and a big puddle had accumulated on the desk which of course I had plopped Celeste head in while I was working inside with the masking tape…mass panic and vigorous wiping with some tissues which of course were just sticking to the head and not helping my attitude any to say the least so I grabbed some wet ones and got that cleaned up…so back to the super glue…I let that dry and decided that I needed to take the masking tape off and replace it with felt for a ‘professional look’…masking tape is just not something you would want anyone finding in the doll head holding the eyes in place…!.SO I go to remove the tape and of course the super glue decided to adhere to that as well…had to peel it loose and cut it away with an exacto blade…that done, I cut my felt and added E6000…but would they go in for me properly…hmmmmm lets just say that one ended up stuck to my pants leg (totally ruined them or course…) and though I am a very mild natured and long suffering person…I was at a point of throwing Celeste head across the room…Had to go take a break… and come back…so after enough E6000 glue to patch a sinking ship and a conglomeration of patches inside the head…Celeste now has eyes…My nerves are a bit ragged now so I think I will go get a shower and head to bed…lol Hope you ladies have a lovely day!.. :smile:


Sweet dreams beautiful lady! After the shower and before the bed… I think you forgot the bottle of wine:-)