Celeste at last

Oh Starr! I’m laughing (sorry) but I had the same kind of day when I did Celeste’s eyes. First I tried flat eyes glued to felt. They were too heavy for the glue and I was impatient so I taped them in. The tape stuck and pulled the eyes out when I tried to take it off. I went through trials of different eyes and different glues and different techniques. i finally got them in with E-6000. When they were stuck I put silicone all around and over the back, and then, when that was dry, I put moleskin to keep them in place. I gave up on eyelashes. And, as if that wasn’t enough, when I went to do her photos, I noticed one eye has moved and she now has strabismus! I have to fix that eye before I can sell her. I’m telling you, I am so looking forward to that!


Thank you, Starr, for the great story! I’m so sorry you had all the trouble but I could see you with all the glue issues and can soooo identify! Thank you for being candid. If it had been me, some choice words would’ve been used, I’m sure.

Reminds me of a saying my friend had…“To have a great story, one must live through it first.” He used to keep us in stitches with his motorcycle stories. While we laughed at the story unfolding, it was no laughing matter while he was going through it. I think of that when I’m having a bad time and say that some day I’ll be able to laugh at this…just not now. :wink:

I hope you have a glass or two of wine before going to bed. :cocktail: :tropical_drink:


Oh my gosh . . . that sounds like a few of the heads I have worked with in the past . I think eyes can be one of the trickiest things to deal with in reborning !! Glad you stuck with it . . . . Literally LOL!Your story gave me my morning laugh . . . .sorry !!! Glad it all worked out in the end !!! :smile:


Oh my!!

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OH NO!!! I am sooooo sorry for all your trouble, Starr. :tired_face:

I’ve been working on my new Celeste head all afternoon, all the while thinking I SHOULD OPEN HER EYES…not happening…not after I ruined the other one. I soooooo wanted her to have little peeky eyes, though. BUT NO. NO. NO!!! :imp: All I can think of is getting her done and off my table so I can move on. I do not like this baby. Not at all.


OH, NO!!! I HATE working with opened-eyed kits. I can’t imagine working on one that isn’t even meant to have them. All of your stories SCARE me!! :fearful:

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Awww, Karen, I’m so sorry you’re not enjoying Celeste. I am loving this kit! I did open the eyes. I’m working on a solution to the eye issue before I get to that point. It it works, I’ll share what I did. :smile:


You should do your own Celeste version of Green Eggs and Ham. :laughing:


Thanks ladies…I went to bed at 6:30a and slept through till 3:15p…That kid wore me out…hahahaha!
No worries about laughing…In hindsight it is funny…I was telling my hubby this morning and he and I had a great chuckle…lol
Anyway…looking at her this morning I am glad I stuck with it…AND there is no way her eyes will ever EVER come out…They may as well have been sculpted to the head…ha! So onward forward…time for some hair…

If I had to do it again, I am not sure I would…probably only attempted it the first time because I had 2 kits to start with and figured that if I ruined one I’d have the other…STILL, I am glad for the experience, howbeit a bit stressful…I learned a lot…mostly not to open the eyes on a baby that is meant to be a sleeper…hahahaha!

Well…I did think some “not so happy thoughts”…heehee…


Thanks Nikki…I took two Ibuprofen instead though…They tend to knock me out for some reason so went off to dreamland just about as soon as my head hit the pillow…lol


Not until after the judging, but it’s only a few days away now. I am so excited to see all the Celeste’s.


I got your pics. You didn’t put your forum name, but I figured it out by this post. :grinning:


My sweetie won’t make it to the competition. Time was not on my side, too much to do! But that is okay because she or he will be my cold weather project :snowflake: I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone’s version! I may need to pull the WIP pieces out of the baggie while I look at all of the participants, :smile: I know they will all be scrumptious!!!


Sorry to hear you won’t be participating, but there is another one coming up if you want to join in. It’s just fun to look at the babies anyway. I’m not going to enter the next one because I don’t have time right now.

oh thanks, but I’ve never cared for Dumplin’ plus no time here either. Maybe on another one, I’ve decided not to make custom baby dolls anymore, they consume my time and I get stressed too easily when ever they are on my painting table! I have four looking at me from the painting table and two looking at me from the rooting “couch”! Two due by the end of August and four due by Christmas! Can’t wait to see all of those Celeste! My unfinished version has peaky eyes and would have been a sweetie too! I love the Celeste sculpt!


I’m so sorry yours won’t be in the challenge! Maybe you could post some pics of her then. I just love the Celeste sculpt. :smile:


@micholc Hey Michele… what is your email address for the entry? I can’t seem to find it in all these Celeste posts LOL. I plan to take pics tomorrow or Thursday morning.


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Ohhh the wait is killing me!! I want to see all the different Celestes so bad! It’s almost time! I’m sure she’s beautiful…it’ll be awesome to see pictures when they’re posted :slight_smile:


Thanks so much!