Big girl June

Wow they are stunning! Me too I love long hair your young men look like models .


My oldest is a musician, the little one well we are trying to figure out if he is a super hero or a villain, he runs this house, and know everything! I may need to call nanny 911 (smile).


Awe! E and N such handsome guys.

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That was me. I put his arm back in the sun two days ago with zit cream. The spot faded even better than the first time I did it. Then for good measure I put more zit cream on it yesterday and put it out all day in the son. Now I canā€™t tell there was a spot there. I will see if it tries to come back again. Each time I put the zit cream on it, the cream would have a gold yellow tint to it by the end of the day, so it appears it was taking the stain out of the vinyl into the cream. Iā€™d never seen that happen to zit cream before. So, hopefully it got most it out.


So glad you are this and were s me to pop in and share your story! I have nightmares about that experience you shared!

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The stain has come out surprisingly easy each time. I hope it stays away this time.

Interesting, Iā€™ll keep you in mind. Once I get my kit and if I see an issue Iā€™ll message you for your zit recipe. :rofl: wonder what else it works onā€¦ you should patent your discovery!!

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Iā€™m glad you havenā€™t had any issues!! Iā€™m crossing my fingers for mine!! :grin:

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Handsome boys!! Itā€™s natural for the youngest to be the captain of the squad. Just letā€™s you know heā€™s got a strong future regardless of the line heā€™s on,:rofl::joy: (looks more like Thor). Iā€™m so used to my 3 boys having long hair. Just my middle one on his hair strike, that way the longest! Because of them Iā€™m partial to long hair!! Oh snd he rolled his eyes when I said I wanted his hair, he thinks Iā€™m a weirdo! :rofl::joy:


Beautiful children. I love their hair.