Big girl June

For those who use a smaller convection oven (magic chef or rosewill, etc) they probably wont fit that way. Just a heads up to those who have them. They have a smaller diameter I think.


Thatā€™s right. Thatā€™s why I said nuwave.


Iā€™ve also been debating whether or not I should!! I love the price to ā€œtry outā€ that size. I also have my sonā€™s hair, itā€™s left over from his ā€œcovid hair cut strikeā€ that Iā€™ve been dying to do something with. The picture is hair cut day, it all came off! :grin: So whatā€™s this seconds paint concern and is the body just temporarily out or permanently out??


I need him to grow it out again and mail it to me, lol. Nice hair son!



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My daughter just got her 1st real haircut of course Iā€™m sick but she had been begging for a new look for 8th grade anyway she was like Mom you can use it for one of your babies that way you can still comb it when you want ,Sheā€™s very tender headed hahah!

eal hair cut and said Mom you can use it for one of your babies that way itā€™ll always be with you pictures inserted.


Your children have beautiful hair.


She has beautiful hair, it really hurt you to cut it Iā€™m sure!! And what a sweet heart to come up with a way for you to still play with it!! I actually just ordered 3y/o June. Iā€™m hoping the body will eventually come in!!


Thank you, Yes I even cried as I cut it she laughed of course being 13 and all ,I hope they do get more bodies in so that everyone who wants her can have one sheā€™s beautiful in person.


I agree!! :grin:


Oh so jelly!!! I cried when my son cut his curls and told the stylist he didnā€™t want to keep them. His hair was about that long

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She still has a lot left :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It was definitely an adjustment to see him without hair!! So Iā€™m a little nervous with what I been reading on the seconds paint issue. I ordered June. Is there a problem with paint on the kit already or not holding the paint after??

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Good question. I havenā€™t painted any that had the paint issue yet but someoneā€™s Steven had a mysterious yellow stain that they removed wit zit cream and it came back! Kinda scary if you sell a doll thinking all is ok and a couple months later your customer comes back to you with a prob like that and they blame you and you blame them cause the stain wasnā€™t there when you sent the baby etc etc etc

The kits with the paint werenā€™t accepting paint because peeps were unknowingly painting over the factory paint.


My oldest had long hair and cut it at 13 too. And at 40 something shaved it all off. :scream:


Lucky, she has beautiful hair, Those are some thick braids, nice!!! I offered to pay my 8 year old 100 bucks to let me cut his hair, He has very long hair down his back, it is nice and wavy, curly, blonde and brownā€¦ He lets me trim but not cut. I would love to get my hands on some of his hair. I have about five inches from when he got swimmers hair but it was pretty fried from chlorine, I think I could condition it back to pretty? I saved it.


Hi I havenā€™t had any issues with the seconds I bought 2 of them and 1 first . I painted my seconds first to see but no issues I donā€™t know why the factory felt they needed to paint them I cleaned all that off and inspected saw no flaws on mine at all and they are holding the paint really well and i have scratched, pinched and everything.

My oldest son cut all his hair off twice, cried both times. He is 21 now, shaved his head during covid. Both my boys have long hair, I love boys with long hair.


I will keep an eye out for yellowing but so far so good 3 days now.

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Older one looks just like you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my boys always had long hair too when they were little :heart_eyes:

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