BB sale! So what are you getting?

What kits are on your wish list?? I’m so excited! lol I’m still working on my list :slight_smile:

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When is this sale supposed to be?

I started making mine then I wondered thats the same week they are doing the new computer set up. I sure hope it doesn’t cause a problem with the coupon sale?

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March 19th - 23rd. 50% off ALL vinyl kits


(one time use)


I asked Nevin on his post and he said the new website will recognize the sale. :+1:

I can’t wait to hit the sale and I can’t wait to see the new website


Thanks! :0)

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Right! I hope that there is no more issue when I click a kit to open and get resent to the home page :wink:


All as in every single one? Let me get my money ready lol


I can’t wait!! I want Zuri, MEGAN, Ella, Honey, Frankie, Shyann…ect!!! LOL

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I think so. That is how I read it.

(I dont know for sure though)

oh gosh, i cant wait!

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One use could be one use per order or one use per kit as it does not specify it would be nice if it was for the entire order .

The little print says “This coupon is for use on any order. For one - time use only”

So I assume more than one kit… but make sure it is all on the same order.


I’m being hopeful and making a list LOL :wink:

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Joseph awake, Zuri, Evelyn, Dominic awake and Madison awake if they come out in time (hint hint BB). Lol this sale is not going to be good for my wallet!


Nope…this sale is not good for the wallet, But we will be saving money in the long run with shipping and eventually selling. :slight_smile:

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I just started this adventure so I’m not focusing on realborns, mostly reborns…less money ruiined lol But I would love to get Zuri :wink:

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she makes a beautiful reborn for sure.

Everything I want is out of stock! :confused: