BB sale! So what are you getting?

Haha that’s what I tell myself :wink:

I haven’t heard about the sale. Where do I get the details?

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Is it on seconds, too? It says ALL. :0)


It is in their Calendar

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I hope kits will be restocked. There’s a lot out right now. I have never painted Paisley. I want her. Also want to get a Rosebud or two.

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Weird it’s not in mine :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

at the bottom of the march page? 2018


I want zuri and Landon but I don’t think landon will be restocked by then. :frowning:

Hopefully everything will be in stock!! There are a couple I want also that are oos

And fingers crossed Megan and Jewel will be back in stock. @bbsupport, @AnnDee66, @EmilyBB any chance some of our faves will be back in stock next week?

Edited: Spencer and Nevaeh too. Looks like all the ones that are tops on my wish list are out of stock :frowning:


Megan is first on my long list lol


Awesomesauce !!!

Do you think there is any way June will be released during the sale? I really want her, Emmy, and Amelia. I never thought much about the toddlers but since Liam, I really want to do some more. I went shopping for him today because I just never buy that size clothing. I went ahead and bought for Amelia. They are so much fun to dress.


Oh wow…I don’t buy kits EVER…but %50 is hard to beat. Eek :grimacing: I might have to go see what BB has. Hmm. It sounds like lots of kits are out of stock, so I, too, hope they get some more shipments in before the big sale! It will be hard to choose who to get…

I already have some kits lying around that I’ll still need to get to, but I need to stock up, right? :stuck_out_tongue:
I hope it also goes for the seconds kits. That would be a great deal!

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gracias por recordar la veta, tengo el calendario y lo habia olvidado. yo tengo en mi lista a summer rain. a megan se la compre aqui a @mcnair6 asi que soy feliz

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That’s odd, Taylor.


Do you mind taking a picture of your Calendar?

Sorry I am so dense, but where do I find their calendar?

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