Bamboo Racks heat set question

Does anyone know if bamboo Racks like this would hold up in a Newave oven to heat set limbs? I am looking for something I can heat my limbs upright on.


Oh! Great idea!! I hadn’t thought about setting them upright for curing.
I would be careful with those. They say to keep them dry, so if there is any moisture involved, they may become moldy. I also don’t know how they would expand in the oven. What about a baked potato stand?

I think, as with anything, testing it first with a test limb would be best!

Nevermind, those look too sharp.

You might be able to make a foil ball on top of the stands so that they don’t poke through the vinyl.

What about a miniature muffin tin turned upside down? :rofl: Can you tell my gears are turning? Very slowly and lots of squeaking, but they’re trying!!

Baked potato stands get pretty hot and might melt the vinyl.

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Ahh. I searched “heat safe stand for oven” on Amazon. Didn’t even know they existed until they popped up :joy:

The only things (that I know of) that don’t get super hot in an oven are towels, foil, and wood.

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I saw someone posted a similar wood peg base for heat setting parts. I think it was on Facebook I saw it. I believe she or her husband had made hers. Don’t remember where I saw it now. So I was looking for something already made. I know you can cook meat on bamboo skewers…

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Good point!! I dont see why not try it. Worst case scenario you return it or have a dish holder!

I was thinking I would just try it alone in the oven first. I don’t think there is any concern about them getting wet since the heat will be drying them out. In fact, I read online that it is best to soak bamboo skewers in water for 30 mins before cooking on those. Ultimately, I would rather have a pine wood one or something like that though.

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I am confident they will work. I use this type rack for flashing my GHSP parts. My rack is quite a bit larger, but good quality…

Can you explain what you mean by flashing? I appreciate it!

But have you tried putting one in an oven?

I know Debra used wood racks before but not sure if bamboo is fine

this is from 2018

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Ok so these are probably a pine base and birch dowels
I thought about trying to make something like this but hubby said it
might have a smell when heated that would permeate the vinyl.
I think I might actually try this or something like it

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GHSP have to let the thinners evaporate before adding a layer of a different color. That evaporation is “flashing”…

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Gotcha. Thank you for explaining!!

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I wonder if you could buy this and cut it to make it fit? I’m not sure if the vinyl would touch the sides of the NuWave though. Would love to see what you come up with!

I made a little wood stand, 2 pegs with rounded tops at a slant so the limbs don’t stick straight up in the nuwave. I use it when I am heat setting the varnish layers. Can take a pic if that will help anyone. x


Your comment about the slant brings to mind my other thought of wondering if doing this brings the limbs too close to the heat element. But I do have 2 ovens so I could stack 2 of the rings on top of each other. If that becomes necessary I might be on the hunt for 2 more rings. I have to see.

I ordered 2 round unfinished pieces of pine board and some dowels off Amazon to try. I figured worst case scenario is if it doesn’t work in the oven I have extra stands for while flashing off.

I posted my question on the IRHSP group because that was where I thought I saw it and I did get some replies with photos of what others use. The one I had seen popped up. Here are the pics and the first one is the one I had seen. Some others commented they used something like this as well.

One person showed this she uses for her heads so they don’t flop over.

Only negative comment I got was one persons said she quit using hers because it changed the shape of her limbs. But I know that can happen when putting them on a peg to cool too because I use a wine glass drying rack for that and if the pieces are very hot the pegs can leave indentions in them but it comes out when reheated or stuffed.


I’ve used my bamboo rack in the oven, the only issue I had was that the parts fall over as they get hot and the pegs make indents in the limbs. They go away if you bake again without the rack, but it always worries me. I don’t use them for every bake just someone’s when I’m baking skin texture layers. This is the one I have