Baby Display upsets

Not going off topic but @MichelleP I hope you took your nursery page down because you wanted to. You may want to reconsider selling your supplies. You do not have to please anyone but yourself. I tried painting like others till someone said stop comparing your painting to others. Find your (thing) in your painting style and paint your way. I realized quickly that mine was painting Alternatives. I love being able to to what and how I want. I am different and love it. My family and friends love my style too. So nothing else matters. I am having fun and keeping my sanity, lol. Though I have stopped painting for a little while I will start again painting my weird babies with lots of weird types of hair and colors and be so happy! You be happy too - your way!


My family loves my stuff and so do my friends. But the people here are the professionals who know better and dont like my work. So I am sorta just giving up. Doesnt really matter I guess. Its fine.

Your display is lovely…so neat and organized. Don’t worry about it :slight_smile:

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If your family and friends and you like it, then you don’t have to stop on account of anybody else.


Your collection is beautiful and good organized with the shelf :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And please don’t let people put you down some like to hurt or just jealous

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When I was married, my (now long time ex) husband ridiculed all of the arts and crafts that I do and enjoy so much. I was good at them, as you are. I put everything away because he sucked all the joy out of it. When he was gone, I went right back to doing what I love. I swore then that I would never give up who I am for another person again and I haven’t. Put your supplies away for a while and come back to reborning when you’re not in so much emotional pain. If you quit, she wins.


It’s about you, not about people here liking your work. I worry all of the time ,but I know mine will never be as good as those seasoned artists. It’s okay though, because if I like what I’ve done, that is all that matters, and someone will be interested in it.


Only one person can be ‘the best’ at anything and even that’s a matter of opinion/s.


Michelle, you may misinterpret what people on the forum say. I don’t think anyone would intentionally say they ‘dislike’ your work----rather might be just giving you advice to help you create more “beautiful” babies. Not everyone is a “prototype” artist and that’s perfectly Ok as long as they are enjoying what they are doing. Don’t give up, you will get there. All the ‘advice’ given is given with the intent to ‘help’ you better your art. Take a little break for a while and then ‘get back on that paintbrush girl’!!! I know you will become the ‘artist’ you want to be through time!!! Reborning is something that you do that gets better with Practice!! Keep it up!!!


Don’t stop unless you want to.

I have been making reborns since before they were called reborns and I still dislike some of my work and I still have things to learn and improve.

A true artist never stops learning.


WHAT? Do you like your work?

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Nooooo honey! Don’t stop doing anything that makes you happy. As they say…to thine own self be true. We all let others get in our heads and twist our thoughts around. If you love your work that’s all that matters :heart:
Miss you!

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@Angeliquenz I was reading your post and thought to myself…how bad can her nursery be if someone says the babies look mournful? I scrolled down and when I saw the picture I thought…That’s BEAUTIFUL! Looks so happy and playful to me. It’s very very nice. Enjoy your room and your babies! Thank you for sharing! I love it.