Baby Display upsets

I see nothing wrong with your baby display, it is neat, clean and very nice! All your babies have their own little place to sleep. If they were mine the only thing that would be different is: A little blanket to wrap them in cause I always think they are “cold” (weird me huh)!! LOL.

Don’t let other peoples opinions upset you, you love your baby collection and that’s all that matters!! BTW, they are all Beautiful!!


It’s beautiful! Like each baby has its own little bunk bed. I think some people are just miserable people who want to try to make everyone around them miserable too! Ignore those hateful comments!


Where did you get it? I would love something like this… each baby has it own space and it is so sweet! How many babies do you have? Your collection is impressive :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I would love to just sit there in the middle of the floor and absorb it all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Amen!!! I still have a Facebook but check it maybe three times a year because it is so negative… I am easily hurt too and people posting thier perfect houses and lives etc made me feel so bad… I never shared any of my happiness ie vacations trips etc because I didn’t want to make any one feel bad and yet couldn’t share what made me happy because I didn’t want other people to feel they were missing out… I feel like I’m talking incircles so I hope you kinda get the idea


Mine were all in a pile in a bassinet under my laundry for awhile lol I wondrr we what she would have thought of that! Lol


I smile every time I see your babies. Because of you I decided to take my Boyds Resin Bears out of my glass shelf and put my Dolls in it. There are only two in there now but I plan on painting more for myself and laying two on each shelf in there. We all understand you so please don’t change a thing. Most of my babies are Alternative so it will be interesting, lol. Thanks for always sharing with us! :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:


They look lovely! I like how they have little toys with them. So cute.
Mine are on shelves in a similar way. Some of my friends think it looks creepy when they’re over. That’s just their opinion, though, because I like my setup, so it’s staying.
I used to have like four reborns in a single car seat. Now THAT looked bad. :rofl:


They’re 5 sets of 5 tier bookshelves, they go all along the wall. I have 45 reborns all my own work.


Thank you that’s lovely. I appreciate your lovely comments


Thank you all for your lovely heartfelt comments. It brought tears to my eyes reading them but in a nice way with a smile.
I feel much better about it thank you all, I cant Express how much your comments have helped me.


I love how you have all your babies so I can see them, you do beautiful work. They are displayed nicely and all look quite comfortable if you ask me. Don’t let people get you down. I know how hard it is but it’s not worth the worry and stress.


Don’t sweat the petty stuff. Pet the sweaty stuff! :rofl: People like that are simply displacing the negative that linger in their own sad little lives so I wouldn’t pay her any mind! Your set up is exactly that… yours and if you are happy with it then that’s all that matters! Personally I think it is awesome and very obvious that you have put a lot of time and love in to which is all that matters!


Let me get this straight. A random person saw your pic on yourFB page and decided they did not like it. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. However, she thought she was also entitled to belittle you. People who knock others down do so, because they hate themselves. They find happiness in other people’s misery. Don’t feel sorry for yourself-you have nothing to feel sorry about. Feel sorry for her.
Ps. I think your display is brilliant.


Something about HERSELF triggered that response from HER.
It’s not your responsibility to make sure she isn’t unhappy.
You are not responsible for making sure your happiness is going to make others’ happy.
You are not responsible to make anyone else happy.
She is in charge of her own emotions and thoughts.
Don’t let her project hers into you.

I hope you keep enjoying displaying your babies anyway you see fit; the way YOU want to. :sparkling_heart:


Beautiful babies, a very lovely display :two_hearts: I don’t know why people feel the need to make ugly comments. Totally uncalled for. I hope you realize the problem is hers, not yours.


I understand. I am the same as you and the same type
Of history. Even little negative comments hurt a lot. I took down my nursery page and am fixing to sell all my supplies.
i love your display. Its really amazing.

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I want to say ignore the jerks of the world but unfortunately that is not how that works. I understand the hurt you feel. It would have made me feel disgusting inside. People just don’t care. They don’t even see others on the internet as real. If they were standing in front of you 90% of the ignorant things people say wouldn’t be said. But, because they have a screen to hide behind they never have to suffer the consequences of their wretched personality. I just want to type a bunch of bad words in here because that’s what just came out of my mouth to my husband. Maybe I’m overly sensitive too, I don’t know. I can’t stand seeing the crap. I’ve deleted and blocked quite a few people on my Facebook because I saw them comment mean crap on someone else’s posts. My Facebook is only there to eventually sell babies. I’m not selling a baby to anyone that would belittle another person like they don’t matter and have no feelings.


Beautiful babies and a beautiful way to display them. I would love something similar to that. I’m in the works I’m redoing my craft room and want to make a display area.


Thank you, I look forward to seeing it when its done :heart:

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I love it! I want to do the same thing with mine and get them out of the closet.

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