Baby Display upsets

I had recently put the photo below of a few of my bubs on a fb page, it’s a NZ reborn page. One woman commented saying how very sad, in fact mournful my bubs looked on the shelf.
At first I replied, that I want to buy fabric to make some quilts for them to lie on but being on my own and not working I can’t afford to buy the fabric needed yet, that I have 45 and a small 2 bedroom cottage so at least they’re not in boxes or lying on top of each other. I own my own home and it’s needed work. I just felt devastated as I have made the decision to no longer reborn as I have trouble selling in NZ, and sick of seeing poorly made ones sell for more it was heart breaking. Now I feel I can’t even show them off, and the word mournful hurt having recently lost my father. I did have a number of members support me in comments following and the comment was eventually removed by admin, but not before I shed tears for hours. Yes I am a sensitive soul, I’ve been abused and traumatised and suffer from PTSD etc but still
over the years when I’ve seen something I don’t like I’ve just scrolled past, I’ve never ever made a rude comment. I’m already hurting and that was the last straw for me I haven’t been back on facebook not even on my nursery page.


You have a beautiful nursery. It is very organized. I think the shelving and display of your beautiful babies is awesome!


Thank you thats very kind. Her comment really broke me.


What a beautiful collection!! Don’t pay any attention to those who will never understand the beauty and work that goes into these babies.


I am so sorry about that comment. I can understand how you feel. I know it is difficult not to take it to heart. I would love to have a nursery set up like yours but I don’t have room. I don’t plan on selling any babies. I like to paint and learn as a hobby.


It is so neat and organized!
Are you selling your babies or keeping them all as collectors?
People are mean, take what they say and if it isn’t important, brush it off.



Just had to share … I have ZERO tolerance for negativity … don’t let ANYONE steal your joy !!! Nor do you need to explain anything to anyone (making blankets/quilt for them) …
They are lovely … Breath, smile and enjoy your little bubs!


Lovely babies and display! I am jealous!


Omg I’m so jealous! Was this already there or did you build it? I would love something like this to display my babies!!! It looks like a modern hospital nursery :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am not sorry about her comment. I am sorry about her soul. It said a lot about them. Must be very sad to have such a small vision of interpretation or vision in life. Your display shows creativity, effectiveness of space, and over all beauty.


Thank you. Its just 5 x 5 shelf bookcases I got cheap. They run the width of the wall.


There’s nothing mournful about your display. It shows each newborn clearly and I love your toddler ‘activities’. What does she know? Like everywhere else, there are unthinking and/or mean people on Facebook. I’m sure the number of people who enjoy your babies far outweigh this one person. You have every right to show them off.


Thank you all. I feel a bit better having read your comments. :heart:


Just so you know that not everyone feels the need to hurt others, I want to tell you that I see nothing wrong or really different from what a lot of reborners do with their dolls. I think they look very neat they way you have them. If you make quilts (which is fine if that is what you want) some parts of them would be hidden. Anyway, I hate when people just seemingly want to hurt others with their words. The power of life and death is in the tongue. Please do not allow that person to bring you down. So, maybe it is her opinion, and maybe she is just jealous that you have such beautiful dolls, but she should also just keep scrolling. So very sorry that you had to go through that.


I don’t see anything wrong or sad about your display. Neat and tidy and can tell you’ve put alot of work into everything looking just so. :two_hearts:

Anyone who says it is sad is probably just jealous.

Sorry you were hurt by them, our dolly community has to just ignore the haters.


You display is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO lovely, and neat, and organized ! Love it!


I love your nursery! The whole feeling of it makes me happy. Each baby so well cared for and displayed. Don’t change anything! I wish my nursery was that well organized. Oh what horror she could inflict on me! But I pass by my brood and constantly love them and not even the thought of her meanness can intrude.


Facebook is toxic. Just stay off.
Its not you…its the entire FB way…

Your dolls are nicely organized and you do beautiful work. :slight_smile: Don’t let people get you down. <3


I think she’s probably just jealous. It looks very organized to me!


I think her comment was motivated by jealousy, as there is nothing “mournful” about your nursery. It is beautiful, an abundance of beautiful dolls most people can’t afford.
She does not deserve your explanations or energy. Let it go. Enjoy your beautiful room of babes.