Azalea preorder

So I show Azalea to my husband and told him about the preorder and he told me that I had to get her. I reminded him that he told me not to buy anymore kits until March and he said “Yes, but its Laura Lee Eagles” …who is this man? Ive obviously deeply involved my husband in reborning LOL.
Anyone else getting her?


I want her a little bit but I can’t. I’m sure she’ll sell well though because she’s super cute. I’m waiting for Charlotte by LLE, there’s no clear pics of her face but her profile is super sweet


Is she coming before or after Alfie? Apparently Im getting him as well LOL

Probably after Alfie. Alfie’s sneak peek has been up as long as Azalea’s has, Charlotte’s just went up like a week ago.

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Im sure Ill be getting her as well…shes beautiful, can’t wait to see the prototypes on her and Alfie as well.

Me too! I want Alfie also, i like his grumpy face

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That’s so sweet of him! I preordered her as well :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hes a good one, I think I lll keep him :wink:


Charlotte is beautiful. I would love to get her but would probably be to afraid to paint her.


He is definitely a keeper!

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I think you’d be just fine…and you can always hold onto her and do her later when there are not many out there. Its what I have done so far with my LLE kits and other sought after babies. Im holding Tobiah and Gertie but I want to paint one of them soon. Im definitely going to stash my Luciano Brace away for awhile.


Charlotte should be out in July for ROSE if I heard right


I have a a few stashed away too. Bean and Sprout are a couple of my favorites in my special box!

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I love Luciano! He is precious.

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Awesome…that gives me time to save a bit LOL. I would love to go to Rose sometime. I am coming to the US this year but not until October and that is to see my daughters and my grandsons. Its the first time going home in 8 years…Im not terribly travel worthy and either is my giant wheelchair, I have to fly first or business class due the damage to my body, I can’t sit straight upright for very long and I have to lay down every couple hours. Anyway, my favourite customer is going this year and I told her that she would have to go around and say Hi for me…she will be toting some of my babies with her :slight_smile:


Me too, its going to be hard to resist!

Charlotte is a sculpt of her newest granddaughter so just look at pics of her and you will see exactly what the kit will look like :blush:

I have pre ordered her, I hope to get Alfie and Charlotte as well but it will depend on finances since her kits are so expensive i have missed the last couple as I just couldn’t afford them.

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She is super sweet

I went ahead and preordered her. I probably shouldn’t since her kits I hoard. I have all of her kits from the time Esme came out.