Attempted scam

She said she’s 51 in one of her rants. And she has anxiety, so she’s going to use that against me when she sees me in court.


Why would you go to her court dates with her? She probably has plenty to choose from but it just seems like wishful thinking on her part to think you’d want to come along.



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Lmao. If I wouldn’t have blocked her already, I’d tell her I’m declining the invitation. :joy:


Her anxiety and blood pressure go up while she tries to scam you. You’ll pay for this! shakes angry fist


As someone with an anxiety disorder, that’s just ridiculous! What does that have to do with anything? It’s not against the ADA, lol. She gonna look a foo if she really were to do that. She gonna leave the part out about her scamming?


Just idle threats to scare her into sending a free baby at this point. Omg.


Right?!? I didn’t tell her I ALSO have anxiety. And MS. Sorry, but your anxiety doesn’t give you a reason to steal money from someone. I have no sympathy for her.


Exactly! Like don’t use mental health as a crutch! It’s a very rough life sometimes.


I will NEVER understand people like that. Zero sympathy for them too… Karma will eventually bite them in the ass. Please tell me you were able to intercept the package.


Yes, I believe it’s on its way back to me. However, I had to call the post office after they had already said it would be intercepted because tracking was still showing it was out for delivery. It was still accidentally sent out on the truck. If I wouldn’t have called them again, she would’ve gotten the package. So another lesson learned…you can’t just trust that the post office has intercepted it, even after receiving a confirmation email. I swear, I have so much anxiety myself now about selling my dolls after this experience!


Fortunately, most interactions go smoothly with sincere customers. These are the scary possibilities, though! :grimacing:


Lordy she sounds like a hot mess. Glad you will get your baby back and be done.


What a jerk! I a, sorry she tried doing that.


You can add LUNA PIERCE to your scammer lists. She has created a new account on under that name. She messaged me today that she wants her money. I said, “Sorry, I don’t know who you are”, then blocked her.

I had to call the post office AGAIN today. After the headache last week when they almost delivered the package to her after I had already intercepted it, it finally went back to the distribution center to head back to me. But today, I got an update that it was BACK at the post office in Sterling CO, heading back to the customer!! WTH! I called them and said cross off that address; it cannot go there! They finally just put my box into a new box with my address. Here’s to hoping they didn’t mess it up again. I have lost faith in the post office!

The lady at the post office also told me that 5 minutes after I called her last week, this customer showed up at the post office asking them to give her the package. This is just unreal.


What a nightmare! I hope she makes her way home this time, and I hope no one else has the misfortune of dealing with this person again. People like that really sour you on selling and I’m sure you have been completely stressed out by all of this.


For a long time I did not list on since buyers did not have to register at all. I just think that we have been promoting reborns as a safe place for buyers, more buyers are coming there and most are good, but it is also bringing more scammers. I am not sure I understand, but do buyers have to register or only if they want the transaction to count as a verified order? I wonder how scammers are tracked from the buying side because reborns seems to be getting too big to not have some way of doing it.

I am really sorry for you. This is terrible and I appreciate you letting us know.


Idk if your on FB, but based on my search I’ve found her Facebook page.
Idk if you’d want it on the thread so I’ll message it to you.
Shes in a few groups I’ve just seen

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I blocked her on FB, but this profile looks different. I’ll see if I can find any more. Thanks!

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My doll is finally back in my possession! I am so happy! I sent her refund, minus all of my fees associated with this transaction. We’ll see if she makes a claim over the $40 she lost.