Attempted scam

Wow! The “April” is even dressed the same. smh


That’s a good line!

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Looked through my scam photos. No match.

But that is a scam April.

We are all with you and fingers crossed the baby is coming back to you . Better lose $15 than a doll however I know how much work Sms stress is to deal with all this situation


Why, thank you. :sunglasses:

Thank you. This group is awesome. I feel better just being able to vent. I really hope they actually intercept the package.

After emailing me that she’s suing me, she’s now emailing me that she wants to work this out. Offered me $50 more, then $100. This lady is unstable.


I’m becoming even more glad that you brought her to our attention, I didn’t think that was even possible. I’m so sorry that you’re having to deal with all of that nonsense.


Oooh it would be sweet if she sued you and you pulled out your evidence. Like seriously!?


Wow what a terrible thing to do to someone! I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this!


I have this theory that some people think that artists are living lifes of extreme wealth and opulence. They assume that since the dolls are so expensive to purchase, we must be rolling in the dough. They also think that we are massively overcharging when they can buy a baby doll from Walmart for so much less.

What they don’t know is the amount of money we put into making every single baby. That’s not even taking into account our time, which many of us don’t fairly pay ourselves for. I think some feel justified in trying to rip us off because we’re like those massive corporations to them, you know? We’re so dang greedy, charging exorbitant prices for a simple baby doll.

It’s frustrating, for sure. In actuality, most artists are either reborning to supplement their family income (and replenish supplies), or working full time and spending valuable free time creating beautiful dolls. So much love goes into each baby made and it’s maddening that some people try to steal them.


I so agree! Well said! The root of their problem is covetousness and entitlement, which will forever keep them from understanding the real world as long as they think that way.


What I hate about this is that she bought fakes and used them to try and trick u :roll_eyes:

Idk who would fall for this either…


Fraud, theft, lies, entitlement, some people are just sickening.

@RoyalAnchor What a good point, who would see those pix, and go, oh I sent the wrong doll so I need to send your money back.


None of us would own a scam doll anyway. Lol.

But I’ve had a few people over the years be all entitled and rude. One actually said she knew I could afford to ship her doll for free if I wanted to. Because I am obviously wealthy.

Ummmn… Lol.


Sheesh. I had a doll that was shipped to me for free,as per the listing.

When I saw it cost the artist over $35. I felt bad I wasn’t charged for it!


That’s what’s called a conscience. :blush:

Some people seem to be lacking in that department.


What a nightmare!!! And very scary to all sellers out there. It’s good to see this kind of info is shared so that these people are called out and blocked.


I would almost let it get delivered, she can’t pull that scam a second time, and you have the proof. She doesn’t deserve a refund, you are being kind. Lord…if she can’t spell simple words she might have to choose a scam that doesn’t require written communication, like stealing Red Bull from a gas station.

I am being extra mean today. I swear these people, it takes more time and energy to steal than it does to actually get a real job.


@Gabriell Lol. Red bull from a gas station.
I even wondered if she were of age with her bad spelling.


I’ve debated on refunding her, but I really don’t think I’d win if she filed with PayPal since I intercepted the package and I’m getting the doll back before it was in her possession. I don’t want to waste any more time fighting that battle. I really didn’t want her to end up with the doll AND her money back either. She probably would’ve tried to scam again if it worked. This lady is nuts. I had to block her everywhere. I have probably over 50 emails from her, begging me to let her keep the doll, and calling me a b$&!h the next.