Anyone here childfree?

I love reborns and babys but i dont want to have them for the risk of my mental health and wellbeing. Anyone else in a similar boat?


I am curios how to understand that statement.


I have psychosis and depression i just worry that having children will set me over the edge


I’m child free. Love kids, but also love to give them back to their parents to sleep a full night, haha.


Oh, I see, your statement applied to real children. I was confused as you put them in the same sentence with ‘reborns’.


Having children can push anyone over the edge, even the most stable person.


I have chronical depression and 3 children. Things have been rough at times. Very rough sometimes. With help, medication and love everything can be overcome. Children are not meant to everyone, they are the best thing ever in your life but can also be the most challenging.

Both my brother and brother in law are bipolar and have children. Both struggle in their couple. One is divorced, the other came close. One is medicated the other is not. I can see how badly it has affected my nieces, particularly with the unmedicated father. One of them has received a bipolar diagnosis too.

I think it is unfair to raise children if you are not in a good place mentally, but it is very possible to raise kids if you are aware of your limits and seek help when times are hard.


i love my children, and im so grateful to be their mom. But I have anxiety and i have worried so much about their health and safety their whole lives. i worry about the world and the future and will they be ok. it’s constant worry because i care so much about them.
motherhood is amazing, but also very hard. it’s not for everyone, and that’s okay!
reborns or dolls or hobbies dont replace children or motherhood, but they can be enjoyed for what they are and how they make us feel- content, calm, happy, excited. any of the benefits or goodness that your hobby brings you is wonderful in its own way.


That is so true!

I have anxiety, depression, undiagnosed binge eating, issues setting boundaries and putting myself first, and poor stress management. I used to babysit and loved it. Always wanted to be a mom until I realized I am not even a good dog mom. I am fearful for how I would deal with caring for myself and a child (yes I have a husband and realize that he would help, but the way things are now it doesnt look good). On top of all this, I have a massive trauma involving my mother-in-law and no interest in ever having her in my life again (not fair to a potential child). Even further, I can’t afford it. Looking back at my life, I wasnt the most expensive kid, but I wasnt cheap either!

So yea, I’m in the same boat. Reborns and dogs for me, with the occasional baby fever that makes it hard to say no. Maybe some cats and chickens down the road.

While some things can be helped with professionals, love, and support, it is also okay to lean to the side of caution. Parenthood and pregnancy should be enjoyed, not a source for fear, anxiety, and depression. (Can you tell I am currently in a grad program to become a clinical mental health counselor? :joy:) But seriously, as a friend, if it is a concern on your mind it is valid. It’s ok to not want/have kids–for any reason.


Both my husband and I love children, but because of one reason or another, we haven’t been able to have any of our own. I think that one of the main reasons would be Endometriosis, I was diagnosed with it about 4 years ago

Isn’t that the truth? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This past weekend we paid old friends of ours a visit, it has been such a long time. Of course I brought a couple dolls with me, just for shock and awe purposes (they are totally freaked out by reborns). Our one friend asks whatever in the world got you hooked on dolls? Maybe you want another baby? Everyone starts laughing cause it’s an obvious joke. Then I blurt out, God no, I don’t like kids! I never did. Yes I have two wonderful grown kids, but I never was a kid person. Babies are adorable…for a few minutes, but then my fun meter runs out. So my follow up answer was, reborns allow me to enjoy some of the traits that I would enjoy in a real baby. When my meter runs out, I can simply set aside. When I need a baby fix, I can pull one out on my terms. What I’m saying is, that reborns may have a positive impact on depression. I think it would depend on the severity and type of course. I know they always make me happy when I hold one.


Endometriosis can be surgically treated. Has any doctor suggested that?

Same for me ! I have never liked babies (except mine, and I was happy when they grew older). I am not a fan of holding reborns too long, but it’s not stressful like a real baby.


Can’t have children. Tried for 20 years .

I love children and babies especially, work in childcare but I’ve chosen to be child free due to autoimmune disease that runs rampant in my family. I haven’t been officially diagnosed but had a Dr tell me I could possibly have lupus, and after seeing what my aunt went through with her autoimmune after having a child I’ve chosen to not have any biological children. My girlfriend and I have talked about her having a baby for us but we’ve also agreed if we chose not too we’ll be happy with that too.

I have depression and i am on medication and we have two daughters 35 37 years old
Having a child is quite a responsability you have to educate them otherwise things will go wrong .
I see so many just say oh let we get a child but the childbut when things go wrong, a child is the victim

I love to have both of our girls :heart: :heart: but like i say you must realize it is very very difficult now a days

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And when you do not like chiltern don’t take them it’s not an obligation !!!
It is a responsibility for life
But for me even with depressionbut I myself always continue with I’m never going to give up,
I’m a fighter

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But why did you take kidseven though you don’t like it ?
I find that i bit strange