Anyone here childfree?

im much more a reborn doll collector than an artist-i do paint dolls for myself, but i started collecting first after a loss, and I fell in love with this hobby.

I know that my dolls have helped my mental health. when i hold a doll i remember my happiest memories of holding my newborn sons. I feel calm. i feel at peace. the brain chemistry of oxytocin and serotonin and the other chemicals that are released (i dont know them all right now, but the “feel good” chemicals-) when we feel content or at ease are definitely released for me. I dont pretend my dolls are real, i dont even “roll play”, for me just holding a doll is enough to bring those nice feelings of calm to me. honestly, just going in my room and looking at my favorite dolls is enough, or rearranging one on their blanket/display is enough for me to feel this nice peaceful feeling. I know people can find that feeling in many other ways- when i’m in nature, or gardening, the way my dogs or cats enjoy a good pat, or a nice cup of tea can also bring these feelings.
but i think this hobby of reborns is, for me, one of the surprise gifts i have found as an adult that brings me so much simple happiness. and im thankful that i discovered it and that there is a whole community of artists and collectors that also find this art benefits their lives.


Sometimes precautionary measures aren’t fail proof and other times biological clocks tick when you least expect it. All is good, I like my own kids, most of the time, but love them all of the time


I am not child free but my daughter is by choice. As sad as it makes me I also respect and honor her decision. Parenting isn’t something she was ever interested in. She loves family, loves her siblings, and is someone you can count on if you are sick or hurt, she is nurturing she just never had that pull to be pregnant or commit herself to parenting.

She has known since she was 16.

She tells me she is too selfish but I know she isn’t…

She lost her sister who was her best friend when she was 19, I know that played a roll.

Not all women can or want. It’s a lifetime commitment, it is all consuming, it is expensive, hard to do without a very helpful loving partner and/or really good support group.

I think you made a good choice for yourself, I commend you for putting your energy into your wellness. Kids are amazing but you can find all that joy in so many other ways.


I’ve already had one surgery to diagnose and remove the endometrial tissue. But unfortunately, the only way to take care of at least the symptoms would be a total hysterectomy and early menopause