Any updates?

I was thinking the same.

What I know (or think I understand) is that it isn’t just Genesis, there are or have been paint shortages in general (House paint too) I believe it has to do with the Titanium Dioxide coming from China (or not coming from China) and Resins that are sourced from several places, Texas being one of the big ones, I think it is a Petro-chem. I did hear that the freeze they had last year did have something to do with the the product.

I heard last year varnishes in general were low (all varnishes) Resin again.

I really think Genesis will get up and running again if it was a product line that was profitable. I remember in art school they use to have giant tubes of GHSP. They were expensive! So it isn’t just us that uses it. If you are tooled up to manufacture it and you are just in a holding pattern I am guessing you wouldn’t toss the baby out with the bathwater (lame attempt at a pun).

Like everyone else I am doing my best to get use to air dry paint but I love my genesis, and all its toxic awfulness. I have a bunch of tiny jars, and I use it a lot differently now, I use to mix up big batches of different colors for fun. Not anymore, I am all frugal and serious about it.

Really acrylic is less harsh, a better choice, and I am sure my body and lungs will thank me if I finally switch over.

Lucky for us airdry varnish does work with GHSP and it is one less bake.

I have a bunch of airdry varnish that I made like an evil science experiment with all my varnishes I liked but didn’t have full bottles of. I am thinking of sending a little container of it with babies, in case they get shiny or need a touch up. I was able to score some of the purple tub and I think I have enough of it to get me through 10-20 babies, I figure by then we will know what is going on.

I wonder what the original reborn artists used to seal babies?

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Never sealed any of my first, oh, 200 or so. I started 20 years ago and didn’t even hear of Genesis till 8 years in. Being heatset, it’s not supposed to need sealing but everyone started varnishing when customers started complaining about shine after changing/playing with their dolls. I guess I probably started varnishing about 10 years ago.

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Have you tried thinning it with odorless thinner? Does that work?

I haven’t tried thinner yet

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Well darn. I just ordered a jar and I didn’t even open it and look at it, I guess I should. Looks like there is enough for one baby


I hate matte…i think it feels like sandpaper is is super hard to cure…i bake and bake and it will still be flaky😠

I use thick straight out of the jar as a sealer…just smear it on…pounce and bake 3 times.

I let it dry before baking…if you dont mix it well it seperates and the stuff at the top is what can create a shine…I think??


I guess I should say that my Thick medium was purchased post- pandemic and just like we were seeing some paints that were so thin that they would leak if the jar was turned slightly- well my Thick is not as Thick as it used to be, maybe that is why it is shiny without Matte mixed in?


Yeah…all my stuff is pre pandemic…i. scared of the new stuff😱

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I started using it straight out of the jar and it was just nasty. Long ago I began to mix it with thinner to a perfect (to me) consistancy. Less is more.

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Nicole Russell used thick medium thinned with Genesis Thinning medium as the final sealer in her tutorial. My jar of thick is from 2012 and it is really stiff…


@Jessejuice do you use thick medium as a varnish?

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I start out with ghsp matte varnish. Then when my supply got low I mixed what satan I had with it and I really liked how it felt. In the end I use Americano soft touch but now I’m getting really nervous about running out. I’m already out of the soft touch that I loved but have been able to Substitute for the Americana. My baby feels to much like vinyl if I don’t start with a varnish.


I hope they get things back on track soon. Sometimes it feels like the end of the world with so many things out of supply. It’s getting old. :unamused:


Everything covid has caused is getting old. It needs to go away so things get back to some normalcy.


1,000 DITTOS!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just heard yet another Variant is out there!

Of course there is :woman_facepalming:

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This will continue to happen until it waters itself down to more of a common cold. That is what viruses do to survive over time. They weaken because if they kill all their host the virus cannot survive. Being that this virus was man made from mixing human virus with bat virus it is yet unknown how well it can survive long term. While news of new variants may be alarming to some, in my mind it is just playing itself out. Having said that, I do not mean to minimize the trail of tears and angst it has left behind and continues to cause.


Yes I sure hope so! I’m so tired of being afraid ! Me and my husband and one daughter and her children are still yet to be caught by this horrible virus! I don’t know how we have escaped it so far. So many in my community have lost loved one’s but also a lot have got it and survived. Hopefully someday we can have a more normal life again.


Be sure you are not vitamin D deficient. You can have a blood test done to see what your level is. Also, take zinc and vitamin C. Most Americans are deficient in D, C, and Zinc due to the standard American diet, which does not have enough of the vitamins we need to keep our immune systems healthy. And be sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. The body detoxifies and heals itself while we sleep.

Word from quite a few doctors and even the NIH is that by March it is expected to be pretty much a cold virus like other coronaviruses that cause colds.