All About Gemini Heat Set Paints

Gemini Heat Set Paints


We have been waiting to promote our new Gemini paint and varnish line until we knew we had a long-lasting supply, and also we wanted to have plenty of feedback.

As everyone knows, it has been hard to find a genuinely good replacement for Genesis. Some have tried to do it. Before we moved on to Gemini, Pratt Paints even gave it a try without much success.

We have almost a thousand jars sold now of the new Gemini line in just a couple of months without any advertising, the best seller being the Matte Varnish, with very good feedback.

The best reviews are not in what people are saying, but in what they are doing. As we have been watching sales, we see good long-time customers buy a jar of Matte Varnish, and then come back a few weeks later and buy 10 more. This has happened many times, not only with the Matte but with the colors.

We believe that customers are finding the Gemini line to have very good attributes and compare very well with the Genesis paint line.

Gemini Colors

All of the Gemini colors are made with ingredients that are non-toxic and inherently UV-resistant with no additives or experimental ingredients.

The pigments are all non-hazardous and have a high tint strength and weather fastness.

Using a temperature between 265 and 270 F and leaving it in for 10-15 min. is what it is designed to cure with.

We have brought back most of the Bountiful Baby custom mixed colors and are continually working to bring them all back.

Gemini Heat Set Matte Varnish

Is a true matte, you will have to treat it a lot like Genesis except it does not need thinning.

  • It is not loaded up with a bunch of additives or experimental ingredients.
  • Its ingredients are inherently resistant to UV rays.
  • It is very versatile whether applying a thin layer or thick.
  • It is compatible with Genesis.
  • a little bit goes a long way

We found that putting on thinner layers, using a temperature between 265 and 270 F, and leaving it in for 15 min. made it cure very nicely. For the thicker layers, sometimes 2 bakes or a longer bake time is needed.

We did our testing on unpainted vinyl and after it cooled it was very smooth and very matte with no cracking. We found that the next day after the temperature was fully normalized in the vinyl, it was even better.

If it cracks it will mean that it was not up to 265 F or in the oven for a long enough period of time.

Gemini Heat Set Thinning Medium

All of the Gemini varnishes are made with the same durable ingredients that are non-toxic and UV-resistant.

The thinning medium will cure on its own so you don’t have to worry about the mix ratio. It can also be used as a glazing gel.

We are working to bring back all of the varnishes

Gemini Heat Set Thinner

This is a new thinner that was designed especially for the Gemini heat-set line. It is non-toxic and non-Flamable. It has been for sale longer and has been very popular.

Thinners like Mona Lisa or Masterpiece have been used for heat set paint for a long time but they are not compatible with the ingredients. This is why the paint drops out of the thinner a few minutes after you mix it and you have to hurry before the thinner evaporates.

Gemini Heat Set thinner is compatible with heat set ingredients. It does not evaporate and will stay mixed with the paint for long periods of time.

It will clean the paint out of your brushes better and if you make a mistake with your painting it will wash the paint back off of the vinyl if it has not been cured.

Since the Gemini line is compatible with the Genesis line it will also work to thin your Genesis paint.

It is used very sparingly so a little bit goes a long way. It also comes with a flip drip cap so you don’t have to waste any.

It cleans up with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.


From now until the end of June, use coupon code Gemini to get 20% off our Gemini paints! (limit one coupon use per customer)


Can the Gemini paints be used with Genesis paints? Are they able to mix and paint over a cured layer of Genesis?


HI, Our supplier said that mixing Gemini with Genesis and putting gemini over cured Genesis worked just fine in the lab testing but they can’t guarantee anything of course because they don’t know what products you use or what your situation is. So please do your own testing.


BB support


I had a question about the Gemini matte. I’ve been testing it over painted test pieces, I’ve tried it on a few different parts, all painted with Genesis. I had really bad cracking and was told by you guys that it needed to be baked for 12-15 minutes instead of 9-11. I increased my bake time to 15 minutes and am still having cracking. I baked one part for 18 minutes which unfortunately slightly melted my vinyl piece, but still didn’t eliminate the cracking. My current test piece I’ve baked a total of 4 times at 15 minutes each and still have cracking with any movement of the piece. I also tried increasing my temp to 275 with no luck.

Does it need to be thinned or any special application? I’m using it like normal, a very thin layer on a cosmetic wedge and pouncing it on. I would love to get it to work well if you have any suggestions!


Oh wow, that’s has to be so frustrating.
I dont have an answer but I wanted to say I hope someone can help you figure it out.
Good luck.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having this issue with your project. Please email and we will send out a return label so you can return the part you are having trouble curing the matte on. When it arrives we will send it to our supplier for review.

Please keep in mind that as with Genesis, there will be some vinyl or spots on some of the vinyls, that the matte will turn chalky on, and not adhere to on the first try. Over the years we have found that this is due to non porous surfaces on the vinyl or some kind of oil that was not thoroughly washed off in the vinyl prep. Applying it a second time in the same spot with a 12 to 15 min. bake (preferably 15 min.) should work. Cracking however is pretty simple, it is just a matter of time and temperature. The product will cure if it reaches the range of 265-270 F. for a long enough period of time, which was found to be a range of 12-15 min for the matte, slightly less for the colors. It will cure on the first bake under normal conditions.


I would be afraid to bake at 265-270 for 12-15 minutes. Some vinyl I have worked with is thin and I do not think it would hold up.


We realize that there are a lot of different types and thicknesses of vinyl, so you will have to be the judge on the final time and temperature you use. But we have stated our recommendations for the average vinyl found in the many kits that are available. You can experiment however much you would like.