Advice please (paint on sold doll)

Probably used a baby wipe to clean dolls




I really think sheā€™s trying to pull one over you, has she purchased from you before? I think she has the doll next to yours with damage and is using her pictures. If so not very smart to take a picture with dolls side by sideā€¦


Are you sure it is your Delilah that is in the pictures?


GMTA!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: will be interesting to see if she takes up the offer to repair her. Maybe she does this all the time and gets part of her money back so she just keeps doing it?


I donā€™t know, itā€™s wearing the same outfit that it has on in the group photo where there is no paint missing, however the doll that you can see slightly next to it is wearing the outfit I sent Delilah in but I canā€™t see faces well enough to see what sculpts they are.
I noticed she has her face down on a brown leather sofa though and anyone who has owed a leather sofa knows how you stick to them in warm weather, weather in UK over the past week has been really hot so if that doll has been sat on her sofa then I suspect that hasnā€™t helped not to mention the sweat from her hands

I have replied to her with what Angie suggested but no response yet.


Has it been humid there?

Yes very humid, we have had heat waves with health warnings, huge storms and flash flooding, crazy weather for the UK

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Her reply

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Im going to guess humidity and whatever surface she has been sitting on.


Is it possible that she had something like hand sanitizer with alcohol on her hands when she touched the baby and that took it off?
Otherwise, Iā€™m going with the leather couch idea.


She said she washed her hands everytime she handles her dolls when I mentioned hand cream or sanitizer, I donā€™t believe that she hardly handles them and washes her hands because her dolls all look a bit shiny, she has had Delilah 12 days and a couple of the others she purchased the same week yet they look shiny too, they donā€™t get shiny that quickly unless they are being handled a LOT


Does she live with others? Did someone else get something on the feet?


I think she is one of the folks that tell a lot of lies, she told you she was downsizing and then bought another doll. I clearly see the doll sitting next to her in the group photo looks like her heel is without paint as well as her shin, she told you no other dolls have had paint come off. I also think changing Delilah twice in one week is excessive, but I donā€™t collect dolls so maybe not.
Having said that unless you let her know about the doll sitting next to Delilah having missing paint, there probably is no way to prove your case.


I did tell her I noticed one of her other dolls in the group photo had paint missing, when she replied she did not respond to that comment, I will now wait and see if she sends Delilah back for me to fix which Iā€™m happy to do, if she fails to send her back then I suspect itā€™s because itā€™s lies and she was probably hoping I would offer her some refund


Iā€™m not sure, she told me she had not cleaned her with anything but she would say that


There is absolutely no way other dolls are missing paint without her doing something. She is clearly lyingā€¦ or a moron. If sheā€™s seeing a pattern on paint disappearing from dolls, it might be time to stop doing whatever sheā€™s doing with them. :roll_eyes:


This is exactly how I would handle the situation.
At the end of the day, these are collectors items and art dolls, not toys.
As the buyer, they can treat them as they choose, but the artist shouldnā€™t have to pay for their mishandling of the doll.


Well the way I think is that she will have to pay to ship the doll so if she is fishing for a refund she wonā€™t do that. If she does then you get to inspect it yourself and see what you think has gone on. Fix it and send it back with some kind of written statement giving your observations about possible cause and how this is a one time courtesy repair. Reiterate that future repairs will be done at the buyerā€™s expense including shipping both ways. This way you are showing yourself as standing behind your work and being accommodating this first time.


Yes Iā€™m intrigued to see what state the doll is in already, I will be inspecting every inch of it including the hair and hopefully that will give me some idea of how itā€™s been treated, I will fix it and send it back good as new, I have already told her (like Angie advised) that for subsequent repairs after that she will be charged a fee.