Advice please (paint on sold doll)

So my Delilah has been with her buyer for just over a week, she was perfect when I sent her off and perfect when she arrived, I have painted and sealed her exactly the same way as all my other babies and there has never been an issue, I have a baby here that my granddaughter aged 2 plays with and throws around the room and all her paint is in tact.

Today I received a message from Delilah’s buyer saying paint has come off in a few places and according to her she has been careful and only changed her a couple of times, she sent me these pictures, which also look very very red, not how her paint looked but I don’t know if that’s her camera.

To me it looks like a doll that has had a lot of wear and tear on it, not a doll that has been treated carefully.

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My first question is… was there powders used?

She changed her a couple of times, but what surface has she had her laying on? What did she have on her hands before handling her? Has she tried to clean her with baby wipes? Does she have children who may be doing any of this without her knowledge?

This does not just happen for no reason. Not like this.


No powders only liquitex paints which was left for 3 days prior to sealing with liquitex Matt varnish, this is what I have used for the past year with no issue, she looks very shiny already too, she posted this photo 2 days ago, no paint missing on feet


She must have used something with alcohol on it or something. Paint won’t just come off that quickly.


Did she use shoes or a dark sock that maybe bled then was “cleaned” off?


Agreed, the last time I stripped a kit it took me hours and my hands and arms were killing me with all the scrubbing so I don’t believe this has happened through changing socks/clothes a couple times


She is constantly posting photos of her dolls in different outfits, all seem to be light colours though


I’m by no means an air dry expert, but I had this happen once with liquitex when the limbs touched eachother and I hadn’t forced heat cure, and I didn’t wait the couple weeks for it to properly cure before varnishing, I varnished the next day. I don’t know your process at all, but saw that you let it sit a couple of days before varnishing, so my experience came to mind that maybe it wasn’t cured all the way?

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Huh. I’ve only seen this in well worn dolls. It doesn’t seem like a paint issue, I would expect more of a chipping and cleaner edges.


I would respond: I am sorry this has happened to your doll. After adequate cure time I properly seal all my dolls before they are shipped out and I have not had any issues from customers such as this before. However, paint can still sometimes be rubbed off from frequent clothing changes and handling. Especially on the feet when shoes and socks are being changed.

If you wish to ship the doll back to me I will repair her free of charge and send her back to you. After this, if any future repairs are needed on the doll there will be a repair fee charged up front to do so.


Thank you, I will send her that, should I also send her the screen shot I took of hers two days ago showing no paint rub?


I’d ask her if she was sure she hasn’t tried cleaning it or placed it near some kind of chemical. Tell her there’s no way this happened from just changing socks once or twice.


I’d ask what she cleaned it with. Tell her you need to know so you know how to pretreat the vinyl so paint will stick again.


I think this is the BEST reply. It shows good faith on your part and should not tarnish your reputation.


She said this has not happened to any of her dolls before and yet in this same group photo there is another doll with missing paint on its heel


Good catch.

Actually more than the heel. The whole leg in the next doll over.


It’s all a bit strange, two days ago she said in a post she had too many and was downsizing, then one day ago a new doll arrived!

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I wonder if it’s your doll, she never shows her face?


I second this. You would still look kind and cordial while finding out if she did something to the doll, which I imagine she did. I can’t imagine that happening naturally.