AA Shyann (my 2nd Shyann) pic heavy


She is precious and her outfits are adorable, Good job!!

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Thank you!

Beautiful! Love those eyelashes!:heart_eyes:

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She is so so pretty!

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Thanks ladies!

She’s so pretty!!!

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she is super cute.

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Awwww she is darling, beautiful skintones too. :green_heart:

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She so cute. Are the eyebrows rooted?

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Thanks everyone!! :kissing_closed_eyes:
@ForeverFaith, no, it’s painted with GHSP. Lashes are rooted.

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LOL! Thanks for giving me the answer to what I meant. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I meant to type eyelashes.

lol, funny thing is, when I first read it, I thought I saw “eyelashes” but then as I was typing “yes”, I then realize that you typed “eyebrows” so I erased my response answer you for “eyebrows” LOL

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She is so beautiful :slight_smile:

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Thank you!