A new idea...ladies boo.boo pics..lol

Heehee…Thanks Cassie …He is long sold…all these babies were done and sold in 2010 - early 2011-ish…I think it is a Bailey sculpt but can’t remember the sculptor…I always write the name of the sculpt on the photo folders of each doll and I have him as a Bailey sculpt - Ethan (Ethan was the name I gave him when I sold him.) I always put the doll name on the folders as well because you have some of your customers pop back in a year or so later and say…I still have ‘so and so’ that I bought from you back in such and such…so I go have a quick look back at the folders from that year to see who they have…that way I can answer the email and it sort of personalizes it for them because I know which baby they are talking about…lol …SO…I have him as a Bailey - should have put the sculptor as well but didn’t think of that back then…I do think he was a small edition if I remember well I have gone back through my tax records and found where I sold him and who bought him but don’t have the sculptors name on there either…so annoying…lol …Maybe @izzy can figure out who it was.


Oh I did the same on my first _heavy on the colors, I ended up stripping him and using more thinner… I wish I had taken pics of my boo boo.

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I stripped this one, also, and the repaint wasn’t much better. LOL! Almost gave up on reborning then, but decided to keep going and am glad I did. That first doll was done with air dry. When I changed to GHSP, things improved for me since they are more “forgiving” than the air dry was.

I went back and found pics of my first baby that I love, but wow did I ever mess her up! Lol And an early baby, Honey, with zero depth lol I still love them though :0)

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