A new idea...ladies boo.boo pics..lol

Lets post pics of the dolls we messed up…Or the doll pics we wish were deleted all for fun and jokes…If you dare.I have so many…Who want to join the…ooh ■■■■ i messed that doll up post","""lok


Ok…you first! :joy:
I’m going to look now


Ok here we go. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: This was not even my first baby. It was however one of my first done with air dry paint. I want so bad to try another Tracy to see if was the kit or just being new to air dry (not to mention that the body is not right for her). I have a feeling it was a combination because I did good babies before and after.

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Now can I post a favorite? :grin: Oh nevermind, that’s another thread

She still looks good…

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This wad a fake Chris Brown baby…lol

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Thomas looking like a old dirty bastard…ha


I was proud this was my first real born with real products. Not a Wal-Mart special and acrylic…This was the real Genesis paint …master paint of the reborn doll universsssssseee… Until I looked down and he was cold as ice. He looked dead had to take him back to the labatory…haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I said to myself…ohh my God…"I don’t know what the hell Im doing…lol…haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


But Dumplin turned out just fine…


oh …I did steal her eyes from one of my daughter baby dolls .Look I was desperate,I ditched the doll in the trash…ha

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Black and white together…lol they both look confused as hell…ha… im done next


When i was a newbie just learning i placed a red vein down the middle of the head. It was horrible looking! I managed to remove most and coverup the rest. Its somewhere on here. Needless to say i nolonger paint red veins but instead just do stork bites on the forhead.


My first baby. Back then you opened the nose… I decided to do this AFTER she’s was about done. I used a dremmel! Yikes!! Needless to say it got away from me. I cried! I couldn’t leave good enough alone. Lol

Thankfully, Several sweet ladies came to my rescue and I learned that Genesis Matte can fix a lot of things and it repaired her. She still found a mama on eBay. I was so happy. Lesson learned. No power tools.


Ok I am going to condemn myself beyond redemption with these photos but I’m not one to pass on a dare…naughty Tahitie should not have worded it that way…lol

I will say 2 things…Firstly, I painted these under my first nursery name so hoping they can not be traced back to me…hahahaha! and secondly…they were done many many moons ago in the first 18 months of my starting to reborn and I’ve learned a lot through trial and error.in the 6+ years since then…(Definitely a trial at times and plenty of errors…lol)

There was not near as much help back then as there is now so we were not privileged to have the jump start a lot of new artist have coming into the industry today…SO YIKES>>>>here are some of my BOO BOO’s and bless, bless bless the ladies that loved them enough to buy them…lol


You are so funny. :slight_smile: Your Boo boo babies are better than lots of people’s “best yet” babies! (mine included)

I love how informative you are in everything you post! You are sooo sweet.

K, off to grab ice cream then go to bed… :slight_smile:


I am soooooooo guilt of runny noses on non criers and too much shine on the lips :smile:


awwwee thanks she was saved…Goldilocks lil baby

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