A new idea...ladies boo.boo pics..lol

Girl those babies are beautiful.I could understand you when it comes to shiney babies…lol…Those babies are well done.

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Hahahaha…you ladies are Waaaaaaaayyyyy too kind…lol when I look at them I have to ask myself "did I do dat?..they just make me want to cry… hahahahaha!

Ha Jen…you are funny too…lol very kind to say but not true…hahahaha…sort of reminds me of a time I was at my mom’s and my son was into stuff and I told him to settle down or I was going to 'smack his butt"…my mom, looked at me and said 'Now Starr, you are too pretty to talk like that"…I just laughed and said "I love you mom but I am too old and wise to fall for that line now.:…she had a chuckle too cause she knew her little girl had grown up…hahaha!

YOU are beautiful,not these dolls…lol

You are too funny.But your old school and you know your work…

You are too kind :wink:

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OMG!! I’m rolling haha


One eye open baby is funny…reborning has its stages

The baby looks good to me.

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How long have you been reborning? I see you recently joined the forum, and I have loved all the babies of your’s I have seen so far. :slight_smile: Even Booboo Tanner. Maybe a layer of matte varnish can help fill in some holes?

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Have you tried placing a warm rice sock in his head to close the holes? I pulled hair out of one of mine and it worked surprisingly well. I love your Tanner btw! He’s a real cutie! Great coloring!

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but they did

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Simone I think she’s cute too! I’d love to see one of your good babies if that’s your booboo :grin:

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How much longer until you graduate nursing school? I’ve got 2 years to go and I’ll have my degree in Early Childhood Education :grin:! Woohoo can’t wait!!! College, 3 kids, a pregnancy, husband in and out the hospital, home, etc., etc… I’m going to dance as I get my diploma :yum::smile::wink:

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I finally found a fun hobby for me though :blush: and I love creating babies! :blush:

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This was my very first reborn. I’m so glad I decided to keep at it and improve. LOL!!


look fresh out the womb…lol


I read this twice…love you for pointing out these lil blemishes…funny too

Michelle remember theres no good or bad in doll world…We love them all in a special way…

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No, not if it’s a face only a mother could love. That kind of thing. LOL I’m glad you still think she’s cute. :smiley:


I actually took a semester off because I couldn’t find good childcare and didn’t feel comfortable leaving my little one with just anybody. She’s also my last baby and I didn’t want to miss all of her important milestones. So glad I did! I’m definitely ready to get the show on the road come fall semester :slight_smile: I finished most of my tough classes so, now it’s mainly course studies and observation hours. The more fun stuff :wink: Good luck girl! Nursing school is tough!