A baby a day?

I have definitely done the same, but when I’ve posted my 3 or 4 babies back to back, that’s it for a while until I make more. The person I think we all are talking about posts one literally every day, maybe skipping a day here and there, but that’s it.

Wish she was a member here and willing to say how she does this.


Clothes for me, too! I hung all my baby clothes up in my new painting room and I realized that I really don’t need anymore baby clothes! AND, I don’t need to continue crocheting for babies. I need to find something else to crochet.


I work on 3 at a time but still take a bit. Painted/Prisma hair is faster… sleeping is faster… etc.

Could the person stock up them list a lot?
I know someone who is a vendor at ROSE and was stocking up but not sure if they can make it so have been listing the back stock.

My first Joseph asleep was a 2 day baby. I needed a head to root in Jacky K’s class and I didnt have any done or even started. He turned out super cute. (ghsp)


I don’t watch reborn.com enough to know who posts what and when. When I am working on show babies I have several going at one time and then end up putting them all together at the end so it may look like 2 or 3 are born in one day or one baby a day for 2 or 3 days. However, as an air dry painter who rarely ever roots any more, it takes me on average 3 weeks to produce a baby that I think is well done. I can knock out a budget baby in 2 weeks. I do work outside the home 3 days a week as well. With air dry paints the time is really not faster than Genesis because there is the allowance for cure time of the paints.


This is a love and passion. More hours than most can put in. Time management and organization. Many reborns going on at one time, at different stages. It’s amazing.


I’ve only been able to get 1 done a week, because I usually only have 2 days a week I can work on it, the rest of the week I’m doing cakes.


@cajuncuties May I ask what varnish do you use for your first layer?

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I have seven as of right now done. I just haven’t listed no where yet except in my home town and very briefly at that but they are piling up so I’m gonna have to start listing.


I always have three on my table, one just started one almost finished with paint and the last one is being rooted. I tried just doing one at a time but got bored with that. :unamused:

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She probably doesn’t. She may stockpile them and not list until she has a few.

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Do you thin your varnish with thinner or thin medium or use it straight? I assume you are using Genesis Matte Varnish? Have you ever had it go shiny after it’s been on the doll a while? The first layer of varnish–how do you mix that? Is it really thin? Sorry for all the questions Shannon but I am still trying to work my way through this ‘varnish’ thing. Everyone seems to do it so different and get different results also. Any help would be much appreciated. @cajuncuties


I use a mix of the Genesis matte and satin.

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It’s a mix of the Genesis matte and satin without any thinner or medium mixed in with it. I haven’t had any problems with it becoming shiny during my reborning. My granddaughter’s cuddle baby is handled by the head frequently and she’s not the cleanest toddler.:grimacing: It is only showing a slight shine.


I consider what I do as a hobby and also an obsession :wink: . It would be nice to make money someday but I wouldn’t want to make too much due to the fact that I am on disability so I can only make so much per month. Due to my illnesses I wont be able to do this forever but I will say, I can’t see how anyone can put out babies every day. I have a lot of time even though I have two teens that Im homeschooling they do a lot by themselves and also have therapy and specialised teachers outside of our home due to their Autism. I kind of keep mine running like an assembly line, because I always need something to do. I start painting two at a time but typically finish one first and varnish then let that one sit until the varnish is cured enough to root and then Im finished with the second one. Im always rooting one on my down time in my bedroom and even during the time I teach my kids and when Im in my studio (our extra bedroom) I paint so Im always doing something…still it takes me at least, three weeks to finish one, but then again, I root all my babies…still practicing painting hair :wink:


Will someone pm me with the name of the nursery? It’s definitely not me but now I’m curious. You guys all leave me in the dust! I keep hoping one day something will click and I’ll finish a doll quickly but it hasn’t happened yet.


When I start a baby, I am obsessed and almost always paint all night and into the next day. After the painting is done, the rest does take several days to a week to complete.


I use air dry and can certainly paint a doll in a day ( a Full day) but I still have to wait for the paint to cure, than paint hair (rooting take me a week), than assemble… Not possible shorter than a week. But as I paint fast, if I wanted, I could get a baby a day to list…


[quote="pattyabe, post:59, topic:75340
After the painting is done, the rest does take several days to a week to complete.

For me, too. Even if I were able to paint the kit in a day or have several going at one time, it takes several more days to paint hair, varnish, assemble, photoshoot, post for sale, and package for shipping. I’m completely mesmerized with their ability to do so many. Perhaps I’m not as financially motivated as they are. My hubby and I both work and even though I do use some of my profits to pay the bills, having them sold is not a necessity for me. However, if I lost my hubby or became financially needing to reborn more, then I probably could find a way to make it work. I don’t know their financial needs and hope they are meeting some goal(a new house, car, vacation, etc.) beyond trying to survive. I’m certainly not going to fault them for working so hard, for whatever reason.


The fastest I’ve ever made a baby was 4 days with my Levi and I worked FAST. I can’t imagine ever being able to complete one in a day!


I think it’s more an average of one a day not necessarily completing one in a day.