A baby a day?

So u said u varnish ur first layer? I will have to try that.

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Mine are all done differently each time, too. I’m even a member of Shaylen’s online tutorial. I bought it when she first introduced it, watched it, and forgot about it until a year or so ago. I think it’s a great tutorial and almost all reborns showcased on her FB page are nicely done, even those claiming they are their first. I keep telling myself to stay on those steps/colors to stay focused, but stray on my own every time. I’ve never fully created one using her steps/colors.


It’s nice to have a good tutorial, but I agree… I always end up doing stuff on my own and trying new things here and there! It’s part of what makes us unique :slight_smile:


Me to. I eyeball it.


Yes. I like the way the paint takes to the vinyl with the varnish. I find I don’t have to paint as many layers with it. Without the varnish, I would have to paint more layers because the paint would vanish while baking. I use very thin layers of varnish at the beginning and end. I “paint” it on with a large mop brush and then pounce with a cosmetic wedge. I usually use 3-4 wedges with each kit each time I varnish.


Awwww thanks for the tip

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I have been doing Logan and I have to keep adding layers. He had been a hard one to come together for me.

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Just sold my Logan cuddle baby last week. I really didn’t see the potential in him until he was done.

I’m doing mine for my granddaughter so I was wanting it to be very special and I agree he is started to look the way I had in mind now.


If a person use air dry, there is no baking. Wow. With baking I really don’t know how it could be done with all that time waiting for it to bake and then cool, and I read that some things have to be baked 3 times.

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I bake my last coat of varnish three times


I don’t understand how you can tell how many or how often people post babies. Maybe I just don’t notice.

I know it may sometimes look like I’m posting a baby a day…because I work on 2 or 3 at a time and they will all get finished about the same time after a month or more. Then since reborns.com only lets you post one every 24 hour it may appear I am listing one a day.


I love Shaylen’s tutorials. I don’t know if it’s in the business section of the tutorial or not, but I remember her talking about this in her webcast. She talked about painting several babies at once in an assembly line sort of fashion. So maybe start with 4 or 5 kits at a time. One day do all the creases, next day do all the mottling, etc etc. I guess by working on multiple kits at a time you also eliminate the down time that comes with baking and cooling cause you’re working on another one while that’s happening. Then at the end of the week you have 5 babies completed instead of one. Then list one of the completed babies each day, and at the same time start on another 4-5 for the week. That way you have a constant rotation of new babies to list. I personally don’t have that much time to dedicate to painting, but if I did, doing it that way may be a good option.


I have had three going at the same time but really don’t enjoy doing it that way.


I’ve seen these adorable babies too being posted a day apart. I could understand if they were poorly done. But these babies look very well done and appear to have lots of detail. I want to know her secret. How does she paint so many, so well, so quickly? :woman_shrugging:t2:


You asked the question that I have been wondering as well! Lol I sell on reborns, so of course I watch what’s going on there and I do see some people posting a baby almost every day. I’m in awe because they are actually nice looking. Hahaa

I’ve been at it for several years now and am not really getting faster. In fact, I may take longer because there are additional details to pay attention to now. The only way I’ve been able to move them along at a decent pace is because I use air dry and work on several at a time. But one a day? I don’t think I could ever do it.


I haven’t heard of Shaylen’s tutorials. How can I get more info?

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I don’t think reborning is my addiction. I think collecting kits is my addiction! :laughing:


That’s an interesting take on it!

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Me to! And hair and clothes!