6 weeks 👶

We love you too Nikki! :smile:

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Awe Nikki
I was away all day yesterday at a family barbecue , and I missed all the excitement !!! Congratulations on your pregnancy !!! How exciting . . . . I am over the moon for you !! Just remember to take it easy and enjoy every step of the way !! You have many friends on the forum , who will always be here for you !! I can’t wait to be a fairy godmother to your little bunny !! hugs from Jean in Canada

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Thank you Jean @RebornBabyBoutique!!! :smiley::heart:️:smiley:and ABC! I feel so much love, and I love yall so much right back! You all complete me! Lolololol had to use a jerry McGuire!( it’s on tv) :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️ :smiley:


I seriously love that we named baby… Lil bunny!!! I think it is the CUTEST! I’m keeping the name! Baby has a nickname! For life! Lolol :heart:️:heart:️


CONGRATULATIONS!!! AWESOME I never wanted to know the sex of my kids and could not hardly stand it At the end of the pregnancy I wanted to know so bad…I am so happy for you and your hubby!

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Thank you CK! That is what my nickname is for my non forum bbf that lives in Cali. Her initials:-) she hated it at first but now everyone calls her that soooo… Lol:-) I love when you post because i LOVE that you are CK!!! Makes me smile every time! :heart:

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I do want to know… But I also love surprises! So, I think we are all going to have to see what pops out!!! Stay tuned! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


Believe me, you’re in for a surprise whether you know the gender or not. Will you get a 3D ultrasound? Are you rubbing cocoa butter on your tummy and breasts? It helps prevent stretch marks. Are you planning to breast feed? If i’m getting too personal just let me know.


Yes breast feeding! Yes 3d and yes coco butter! I use tons of lotion everyday!!! Nothing is 2 personal Jean! :heart:️ you can always ask me anything!


Hiya Nikki I wondered where you were! :grinning:

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Hi Angel!’!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️ whatcha doing tonight???

Hoppin from room to room and Facebook ! Sometimes I get confused which topic we are on lol


Here are some mascots for your nursery Nikki

You can have real bunnies

OR "Wanna - Be - Bunnies


Oh my god!!! Thank you Starr!!! PERFECTION!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

Lolololol that is 2 funny!!! But thank you Angela! I’ll need all the help I can get!:heart:

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Aww now I want a bunny :weary:

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I know right??? I do too!!!

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Nikki sorry I missed everything! Congrats on the baby news! Will be praying for a healthy pregnancy for you and that lil bunny! You will do great as a mommy only thing is hubby is going to have to share you! Oh and I thought the same way on the shopping cart ride!!! Rest and take care!:heart:


Just keep everyone posted on how your doing. How ever is throwing the baby shower be sure to let us know where to send the the gifts. And Nikki keep us in the loop when you find out your due date.