Whining time

Dakota by bb? I must of missed your pictures!!!

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Now I really want to see!!

I know just how you feel because I am hiding my Sweetpea behind a whole lot of doll clothes so I don’t have to look at him. I did a terrible job and don’t even want anyone to tell me otherwise. We are our own worst critics, but sometimes we are the best judges of our work too. I don’t remember seeing your Dakota, but trust you to make the right decision regarding your own work. Only you know if the doll was below your standards and I respect that! :relaxed:


I read the title of this thread and in my mind this song started “Now it’s crying time again - your gonna leave me! I can see that far away look in your eyes…” Now if it is streaming in your head too, we can all be up a bit longer!


“That it won’t be long before it’s crying time.” :musical_note: @pia Now I’ll be humming that all day long. LOL

I don’t know this one!!! :flushed:

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@Pia Thanks for the song stuck in my head! Sheesh IHATE that song.

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Here is the original version. Ray Charles did it a bit later and his is better, but Buck Owens is an Oklahoma guy and we used to hear him in person around town when I was in my teens. Cryin' Time by BUCK OWENS Original Version 1964 - YouTube


Oh keep it up Pia! I actually went and listened to it! Now I’ll never get it out of my head.


Simone, I’ll bet your being way to hard on yourself!!!


Let’s have a looksee!

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Yes, the warm blush is the culprit. Some people add some blue to it and others just don’t use it at all. I don’t use it at all.

I wouldn’t put any more time into them; they’re adorable. I have sold babies that I didn’t think anyone would want. You’ll be happily surprised when they sell.


Yes! Throw that warm blush in the trash!!! It is the devil!!! The same thing happened to me… All my first babies were ommpa loompas!!! They are cute though! I am glad we found the issue!!!


Yup! It was warm blush that gave my poor Somerled a perpetual sunburn. I still have it, but never use it.


I still have mine but it’s put over to the side. I just can’t seem to throw it out. Maybe one day I’ll close my eyes and drop it in the trash. :wink:


Wow!!! Lololololo I spit my coffee out I laughed so hard! I walked to my trash with a huge smile! Bad bad warm blush! I thought at first you were talking about your Kewy sculpt! I was like DAMN!!! :flushed::flushed::flushed:


Ya’ know, Nikki…it was used for two dolls so it’s practically a full tub of paint. I can just hear “waste not, want not” when I start to think about tossing it. :angry:

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I bought a crate of doll stuff and included was like 7 full jars!!! I couldn’t give it away!!! Lolol I don’t know what else I could do with it… ???

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I keep hanging onto mine, hoping I can use it to mix something else.

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I got some with my complete kit. I use a TINY amount with one flesh color layer. It really does warm the color up. My first two babies were orange from it, though, the second one twice. That’s how I learned about stripping and repainting.