What's your favorite type of painted hair?

Oops…I meant to send that reply to you but didn’t… I’m still learning the ropes here…

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Maybe keep it varied. All of us seem to have different likes anyways, I am sure the customers all do too. I tend to like the ones that remind me of my 5 kids. All small, skinny, baldies. The 5th had hair at the back but not much on top… lol. But I wouldn’t want to buy a reborn like that… it would look unfinished. lol :heart:


That’s interesting :slight_smile: I wonder how many ladies gravitate to what reminds them of their own babies! Maybe that should be a new topic! I bet a lot of us do… Of course not everyone here has had babies, but it would be a neat topic for those of us that do!


I agree with Helen 4 and 10, I don’t care for the dark swirly hair , but love 4 looks very real.


Your very welcome Emily, I always admire your work!

I love your style…the dark swirly hair is like your signature lol. Do what you like best, there’s bound to be a buyer out there who will fall in love. :slight_smile:


Thank you for that Izzy! I haven’t had problems finding buyers, and they are always over the moon with my babies once they arrive home. I guess after everyone liking the older style I am second guessing myself and not feeling as good about it. I appreciate your encouragement. I really do enjoy the dark swirly hair the best. It’s my favorite part… :heart:


They are all lovely. Is #4 combi (a little rooting on top of the paint)?

Although I understand questioning yourself and feeling a bit uncertain at times, I’d say don’t second guess yourself if you like what you are doing and you have regular sales. What more could you want?

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Well I’m going to be different because I like #3, #4 and #6. They all have their place. The #4 wispy is a common look for babies and one we can easily relate to. The darker heavier styles are comparable with darker skinned bubs and one’s a little older. I love your work! :grin:


Wow you sure can paint hair! All of them look fantastic. I tried but failed, so I do not paint hair.

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Thank you Simone, I’m sure I’ll continue painting in my usual way, since it comes naturally. It’s easy to second guess myself when I get too concerned about what everyone else likes …


Thank you Missly and Denise.

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My absolute favorite is 3, but I love 6 and 7 too. And there’s something really appealing about 11, maybe because my babies had very little hair when they were born and it was a dark blonde. So basically I love all of these! You sure know how to make it hard to pick just one!

My absolute favorite painted hair of yours @allhisgrace is number 3, 6, and 7.

9 and 10. I’m a fan of the soft look.

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I would love to know what colors are used in mixing the fawn blonde that Emily did Rey’s hair in.

I am definitely drawn to sculpts that resemble my children as babies! Full lips & chubby cheeks, I’m in love :two_hearts::blush:

Beautiful hair painting!! My favs are #'s 2, 4, and 10 :grinning: Although, these little babies do tend to take on their own little personality so some hair styles are just fitting :blush:

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I do not think I’m very good at painting hair. Stripped one of my own like 3 times and finally rooted him. BUT…I did this one I was very happy with. He’s a Taite I sold.

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wow…beautiful painting…I’ve just purchased a tutorial book on hair painting. I hope I can be as good as you.

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