There Will Be a Halloween Party and Everyone Is Invited

I’ve been working on my baby’s costume! Wish I could show photos and get feedback but Cait will have to do that for me, poor kid! At least she is a girl even if she is a tomboy! Told her yesterday that now I want to make costumes for all the babies! I had forgotten how much fun it is to dress a baby up…they don’t argue with you over what to be!

Oh djjessie I know I loved to change my John’s clothes and unfortunately my baby used to scream his head off and get so mad. Leave him naked or leave him dressed but do not change his clothes. He is no longer this way thank God! Precious memories. I have a couple Halloween outifts here. Libby of course has had hers on a little while.

Apparently little Catherine has been giving them fits when they try to put socks or shoes on her! She’s so used to just being barefoot that she sees no reason to wear anything. I know it is wrong but isn’t revenge sweet when you see your grandchild give your child the same problems they gave you?!!!

Yes, do you remind them they used to do the same thing? It is funny. Paying for your raising.

— Begin quote from “JansCountryBumpkins”

:lol: Package of door prizes going out tomorrow! Thanks for address! My entry for this is coming along nicely and will be ready in time…this is already fun!

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Well thank you so much. I have only the things I personally have gotten together so far. I appreciate your help.

Hey- what types of prizes are you looking for?

awesome, the 25 dollar limit was for the round robin but those will be very nice gifts TY so much

If I can figure how to do pictures, I would love to send a Halloween picture. I am a total beginner with the computer, there are days when I would love to use it for a frisbee. Had to laugh when I read about your grandchildren, when my oldest grandaughter went to high school, it was great! My son would tell me what she had done and I always had a story to remind him of the same thing that HE got into! Definitly sweet revenge!

Well I have photobucket. I can load pictures from my computer and from my phone. I then hover over the pic and drop down menu comes up. I copy the last one in the list of the drop down menu and past it in a message here. This is not explained very well but maybe someone else can explain better. Welcome to our addiction and come to the party.

Yes it will. I am excited to see everyone vampires and other characters and costumes. Ty for the bottles and pacifiers.

— Begin quote from “JansCountryBumpkins”

Hi, I recollect that any re born related items under $25.00 will be good. I am sending six 5oz. bottles and five pacifiers. I can’t wait to show off my little vampire!

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I just wanted to say thank you! I received the very cute bottles and pacifiers for door prizes. Many thanks the ones who receive them should be very happy.

Hi ladies , I’m back and feeling better. I have been working on my halloween baby a little and I am hoping that I can start on her hair this weekend. I have never tried doing hair before so we will see how that works out.

I am glad you are back. it is getting closer.

I’m looking forward to it. It’s going to be fun.

Hello everyone I just took the final pictures of my babies for the party. Are you guys ready? Ohhhhhh I can not wait to see what everyone comes to the party as. I will need you to pm me your address when you enter bring your baby to the party.

yay…look what we found in the cemetary this morning…sage

That is cool