Share your childhood doll

Google says 1967 which is actually the year I was born :wink:

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My hubby was born in 1967 too, evidently it was a great year :grin:

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Oh my goodness your baby instantly took me back to playing dolls with my cousins. They had the same baby as you! Awww

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What month?
I was born August 24th

August 20th wow almost thought you could be twins separated at birth😆

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LOL…my Mom would have been happy if I had come on the 20th, I was nearly three weeks late!

I loved taking my paper bag full of baby clothes and going out in the yard and laying out a big blanket spending hrs changing her into different outfits. My greatest joy was wrapping her up like a really baby in a baby blanket. Them my brother would pester me til cried, jumping over me and stealing my stuff as he ran by lol


I feel old. Lol

I was just a tot when I got that doll for Christmas. Born in 1965 :hushed:


I bet! He owned a 1967 Plymouth Satalite he was refinishing when we married in 1989

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I also had a Mrs. Beasley when I was quite young.


Darling Debbie I had to google as well .


I thought Id post a pic of this one as well, My Friend Mandy, she was one of my dolls that were stolen. I know I got her in the 70s, I think I was about 10 or 11, maybe even younger…I also had a bunch of different outfits for her. She was a bit like an American Doll I guess.


The doll in the pink dress is the doll I had for my 7th birthday, I can’t believe that’s 50 years ago! I also had an original Tiny Tears like the one sitting next to her but that one is not my old one but a replacement off eBay. I also had a pink drowsy baby like the picture above.


I was just thinking that I remember a doll I had that you could squeeze its stomach and it sneezed. Anyone remember that one. I had an original Baby Alive as well :slight_smile:
I loved baby dolls…its no wonder I love reborns so much!!..Plus I had 5 real babies :wink:


I actually didn’t! I was so weird with dolls and toys when I was little. I wanted them, but was so…self conscious (I guess?) about playing with them in front of anyone. Not my parents, not other kids. If anyone else was around I felt so weird about it!
Come to think of it, I’m still like that with most things. Strange :thinking:


You just made me remember my water baby! Poor thing, we’d always forget to change her water so it would get all mildewy.


My daughter had one of those…we had the same problem, forgetting to change the water :wink:


I bet with that little hole in her mouth, you could squeeze her and then hold her to your cheek, and when you let go, she’d “Kiss” you.


I had rub a dub dolly, Baby Heartbeat, and barbies. I liked my Western Barbie that could wink, until my brother peeled off her eyelid​:face_with_raised_eyebrow: ooh I had raggedy Ann and Andy too :grinning:

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I had a Baby Tenderlove as well…was it her that sneezed? or a version of her?

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