REPLY HERE to be ENTERED into the Bountiful Baby Realborn Give-A-Way Drawing!

I would love to win one the realborn kits from BB as they have such detail and are the most realistic kits I think i have seen thus far. I would be honored to win one and if I am not the lucky person who does i hope to be able to purchase one. Reborns are like my children as I cannot have children, they make me happy when im sad. Good luck to everyone!

I would love to win!!! I love bringing to life these dolls and turning them into babies!!! I have been a customer of BB since 2009!!! It would be great to show these babies off after I’ve put my unique artistic touch to them!!! Thank you!!! ~Jenny Jill

I would love to win a kit from Bountiful Baby because they are my favorite kits! They are by far, more realistic than most I have seen. I would be very blessed to win one!
Good luck to all the participants!

I had not decided whether to enter or not until now simply because I have never won anything but I decided why not. I plan to buy one anyways and if I won I could have two one for me and one for my mom. but I would enjoy one. I have never seen a kit so real looking and they are just precious I can’t wait till they come out i have been reboring for almost 5 years now and love it BountifulBaby is where i get my kits and most all of my supplies I would really love to win one of these babies so Please enter my name in the Realborn Give-A-Way.

I’d love the be entered in this drawing. I’d love to win because I love babies. been a fan of your kits since Avery came out.

Like every other reborn artist, I look forward to working with each of these extremely realistic kits and would love to be one of the first to have the opportunity.

I AM dreaming about those babies ! I want to win one :slight_smile:

I would be beyond excited to win one of the real born kits. I have never kept any of the babies that I have created and feel these kits would be so special I would not be able to part with it. I need a baby of my own, one that is very special!

I would like to win one of these for my wife this is what she said she wanted for our 8th year anniversary so I would really like to win one for her just to make her happy either way she will be getting one I just want her to have what she wants so please enter my name in the Realborn Give-A-Way.

I would love a Presley awake I have only two reborns but never have tried to make a beautiful baby myself, I believe that these babies bring joy and happiness to people and bring out the little girl in all of us, for those unfortunate few like myself who have lost or miscarried a baby these dolls at times can bring some comfort during those times when memories can break your heart. I try to remember I still have beautiful children who need their momma and these babies will be passed down to my grandchildren long after I’m gone and when my children feel it’s time to give them a piece of their grandmas heart from my love to them. I hope I’m blessed to receive a baby if not god bless those who win and good luck w your new babies, but I really hope I win…it’ll be the first thing I’ve won in life well since winning the blessings of three beautiful babies I gave birth too and the two sweet little souls I birthed but went to heaven for their angel wings and who will see me someday soon. Thank you…

I would like to win because I love the details and the realisem of theses kits.

I would love to win one of the Realreborns. The kits are amazingly real. I have reborned several of bountiful baby kits over the years and have enjoyed each one of them. Thank you for running this give a away and giving everyone a chance to win one of these beautiful new kits!

@rose @EmilyBB Rose Poulson has been trying to find the right spot to register for the drawing so I am putting this note in here to hopefully draw her to the right spot - if she still can’t find it, please do what you can to help her out!

I am new at the art of Reborning this beautiful Babies and I would be so excited if I had the chance to win one of your New First Edition baby sculpters. I have all ways loved dolls every sense I was a little girl and your dolls are so amazing. If I win one of your baby dolls I will be giving is to my granddaughter that is handicapped she loves my doll so much that I have, and I hope I win this one for her it will definitely put a big smile on her face and mine too just to see her happy. Thank you for taking the time to read my reply. Deena

I would love to win any of these, they are absolutely gorgeous!

First, I love reborning!!! Each opportunity to reborn a doll into a precious baby and then share it with the world sets my heart ablaze!! I have always had an artistic flare, but in reborning, I really get to soar. I’d love to be able to be one of the firsts to have these babies to reborn! I absolutely adore the sculpts coming out from BB and am excited for these lil ones to be reborn!!

I would love to win one of these baby’s to make for my mom she is in a nursing home and loves her babies so much I have made many bb baby’s it would be wonderful to win
Thank you

I would be so happy to win one of these new kits…the realism is amazing!

BB, you have outdone yourselves with these wonderful Realborn kits. I’d like to take this opportunity to say how pleased I have always been with the quality of your kits and the superb customer service you provide. It’s so nice to know I can place an order in the morning and my order will ship that very same day. I would so love to be a winner of one of these beautiful Realborn kits. I consider it an honor to be able to reborn every single baby I have ever purchased from you. You’re the best!!

i would love to win this contest.i just started doing reborn baby dolls i have totally fallen in love with theses babies.