Question asked before "Nursery Names"

Ladies, I know this has been asked before but I’m going to do it again, When you decide on a nursery name and you look on all the lists you can find and don’t see the name you picked listed anywhere, does that mean you can use it? Now—do you just begin to use it? Does it mean you now have a BUSINESS? Does this name have to be registered somewhere? I don’t sell but it seems like everyone has a nursery name so I think I need one too for some reason. Besides maybe someday I will get brave enough to sell them. Any info would be very much appreciated!!!


That’s a great question Lynn. I don’t know the answers but would also like input on the subject!!

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I would like information, too.

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I think we try to search and respect others not using the same names…but we are bigger and bigger community and can happen that somebody has the same name. If you have a webpage then the name is registered but after my knowledge there is not registered .
I am using this name with no problem…Precious Pearl Baby


Thank You, I appreciate the help. Anyone else have any info??

There are list but I don’t think many of the new reborners bother looking from time to time…Once I stopped listing on Ebay I notice that there is someone that is using my user name as a nursery name…lol Butterfly Babies…I think sometimes they see these things and they stick in their mind and later they forget where they saw it…I was on Ebay for 4 years selling about a doll a week…During that time no one ever had a name remotely close…now I am seeing several that could be confusing for people who are looking and can’t remember the name exactly but have been referred to look for my dolls (not that I really mind - just think it is not very nice for ladies that get confused and buy)…Sometimes ladies do this on purpose to try and get sales off an established nursery name and sometimes I think it is just accident because people don’t think to research it…That is why Melissa George changed hers to MG Dolls…she use to be Bundles of Love but some beginning reborner started using her nursery name…there have been other artist with the same problem…So unless you actually register your name as a business, there isn’t much you can do about it…lol If I had to do it again, though I have never been one to put my name in lights, I think I would try and use it in an overt way so that others couldn’t use it (and that is why I started putting my actual name under my nursery name on my photos)… :smile:


You can choose any name you like. I do know that if you are creating a web site then you need a domain name. This is where you would not be able to have 2 of the exact same name. Vista print offers great prices on website and the first thing you do is creat your name, mine is The Enchanted Castle Nursery. If your name is taken they will let you know and you can either do a variation of that name or choose something different. Some people will try to charge you to establish your domain name but don’t fall for it. So if you want a specific name for your nursery and you are not interested in having a web site then, choose whatever you like. I hope this helps.


Thank You both for the replys. I am thinking about a name so when I truly settle on it do I just say “hey guys I picked a nursery name and here it is”? Where do you find artwork to use on your business cards? even if you don’t really have a
"Business:" ? Can anyone help here?


Thanks Natasha, that really helps.

I don’t have a real business, but I named my nursery anyway. It’s not like anybody is going to steal “Honojane’s Reborns.” LOL I made business cards too and stuff, but it’s still just a hobby with me. I don’t have a website, I just refer people to my nursery on I don’t even want to be a real business. I don’t want to work at reborning. I just want to play. Sometimes, when my babies are selling really well, I start to feel the urge to make more and more money and then I stop and have a “chat with Jesus” who reminds me that I am selling so I can keep doing this without straining the household budget and sometimes put a smile on someones face.


Helen, I don’t want a business either. I just wanted a nursery name cause everyone else has one (what a reason huh?). Anyway you don’t have to tell any lists somewhere that you have a name do you? Where did you get you business cards and did you do your own artwork or what? I have something in mind but have NO idea how to go about doing it, do printers help you with that? I need info please anyone.

I love Vistaprint. You can design you own business cards using one of their templates or down load your own pictures. They are very inexpensive and look great. I recomend paying the extra few $ and get the glossy. They look very professional. You don’t have to register your name anywhere as long as you just want to keep it as a hobby.

Thanks Karen. one more question----do you do this online? Or do they have a store somewhere you have to go to??

You do it online. You can go to places like kinkos, not sure if I spelled it right, and have business cards made but, they are pretty expensive. With Vistaprint, it will usually cost less than $15 for 250 cards and they have great deals all the time. Wish I was there I would help you. I have owned my own bakery and ordered everything through them, website, menu, brochures, flyers, banners, business cards and much more.