My FREE baby!

Thank you<3

Thank you!! Definitely enter the giveaway <3 I haven’t done customs in years. Maybe again in the future I will. For now, I love the freedom of winging it. You know what I mean? Just going to that place while in the zone…its like meditation for me. Then, its over…paints are a mess, paint on my hands, my clothes ect…but I look on the drying rack and there’s a doll that resembles a real baby in some way- I love it<3 I see some people on here that have no intention on painting prototype dolls…but that one of my biggest dreams. I strive to make the best…the best that I personally can make for my skill level. Cossing fingers!! Then- I’ll definitely have to work on a tighter schedule ect…but for now…I love having this freedom. I have more time with my sons and my dad who I’m caring for at the moment. I’m flattered that you would consider me for a custom! I always second guess my work and think to myself " I really did it this time-turned this one into a clown with all the colors I use"! But everyone is very encouraging and I really appreciate that<3


Thank you!<3 maybe in the future I can do a giveaway on here with you guys?! That would be so fun:)


That means so much to me! That’s why I’m doing this: to give back to you guys for all your encouragement. Keeps me able to pursue this artform that I love so much!!<3

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I would, but since I’m in Canada it would probably end up being too much. I will consider it lol
I get that for sure. If I was to get a custom from anyone it would literally just be a kit choice and then let the artist do whatever they envisioned with it. That’s why you pick an artist, you like their style.


Thank you!<3

Thank you!

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I second guess myself a lot…always thinking I go a bit wild with color! I’m thrilled everyone is liking my dollies though. Makes me feel great. Proud of my little reborn nuggets;)


Thank you!!
