My Clair kit by BB almost completed

Phew :sweat_smile:,almost done with her rooting ,I did a lot better this past weekend with my 42 gage needle, and the last few days,I have not broken much rooting needles,.except today ,but so order then that am doing good ,so much better ,thank you all so much for helping me this past weekend, by Fri or Sat ,I should be completed.but she looks cute ,but she reminds me of the zombie :woman_zombie: and Chuky from that Halloween :jack_o_lantern: doll lol :joy:,but am having and she is getting cuter ,but I do love her


When your done rooting, spray it down with baby hair detangler, and comb gently then a quick trim and presto chango! Magic happens!


Thank you will do that :blush::blush:

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Once you finish a few dolls , it starts getting easier. I had so much trouble and was so unsure of what I was doing at first but after 2 or 3 babies I learned so much on this forum and from my mistakes. I still have my first baby that I made about 8 years ago. :blush:

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