Looking for kits. Willing to pay full price

Due to the house fire, I’m looking to replace my dolls. These are the kits I need (name your price.)…

Realborn Priscilla
Twin A
Khloe Marie
Juliana by Ping Lau
Blanca by Ping Lau
Realborn 7 month June Awake
Mini Marley
Katie Marie
BB Bean

I might not buy everything at once, and I might think of more but I thought I would ask as some of the kits are sold out. Prefer Canada but would be open to anywhere. Thanks in advance! :heart:


I don’t have any of these kits, but I do have other reborning stuff that I would be happy to donate to you. Message me your address and I will send you a box.



How awesome are you!!! :heart::heart::heart: