Let's Show our Work, or WIP!

Looking good!

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In the photos your veins look good to me. The whole baby does.


Almost done. I started to assemble her only to realize I’d forgotten to root her lashes!


You are fast! I’ve gotten faster too but not that fast yet. Show your finished work. :smiley:

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She’s so cute!!!

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Thank you!

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So adorable!

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Thank you!

Thank you!

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I’m finally getting back to rooting this bug, it’s been a few months and she was on a blanket, it seems some of her mohair broke off to about an inch so I pulled it out there are some little tails left that I’m just going to root over,

I’m not fond of the painting on her limbs so I plan on taking her apart and stripping her limbs and body again and painting them again they just look dirty for some reason. But it’s probably just my paint color choices and how they faded blah.


The back is incomplete but here’s so far…


Oooh! That hair :heart_eyes:

Thank you!

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Your colour is so beautifully done .

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My number 79 from my first kit to this one .
Another grabbed on sale kit .if I don’t root it this one should be finished tomorrow no big hurry have no idea where to put it :smile: .


I’m rooting again, this time Sera. I wanted her hair thicker but I’m not sure how. I mean it is thicker then Megs but not as thick as I was planning, oh well


Specialmoments does wonderful hair! I have many tutorials for painted hair- just not air dry. Perhaps it is not all that different except the blotting all over with thinner to soften lines, I have not quite figured an air dry version of that although I bought a watercolor lift brush I am going to try.

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Looks good so far :slight_smile:

I wish I could compare, but I’ve never used Genesis. For soft lines, which is what I start off with, I use thinner paint. As I’m painting details, I keep my paint much thicker for sharper lines.