Kit if the day Sale babies

I check in the late morning to see the kit of the day. Refreshed it a few times and it went from sold out Kate to sold out NB June. Lol fast

living in California, I feel like I always miss them! I check when I wake up and already gone

Three??? Who else did they release??? I’m running over to check now :heart_eyes:

Micheal, Christopher, and Martin as of today


I got Michael in the mail today and Christopher should be here tomorrow. I have enough for July babies, so I am passing on Martin for the moment.


Does anyone ever catch these sales? A person out of state told me that they release the new kits around 9 AM. So I set an alarm for 9AM my time and the kit of the day is already sold out. Does anyone know the official time they release these kits of the day?


They vary… maybe in order to give everyone a chance?

But I think they are putting kits they have the least of on sale instead of how they used to do it by listing who they had the most of. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I don’t know, but I looked this morning at 8:30 ( I’m in Mississippi/central daylight time) And they were already sold out.


Thanks. I will try earlier tomorrow.


Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face: I’m beginning to sound like a bot. Lol

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