Just curious? why?

Mine is super simple and very un-creative lol Vicki being my first name and the 5 numbers that follow…My zip code. Since my memory is slowly disappearing, I had to make something simple and easy to remember lol


Too funny. My mother still insists on calling me Bette Lynn. It drives me crazy!!! My older sister calls me Ben, and everyone else in my family calls me Cissy. I have nieces and nephews who have no idea what my real name is. LOL!


Keep 'em guessing! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Mine is my nickname from my husband and my birthday

Bebe means baby in French.

My roots are French American/Canadian and I live in a French province, but I am more comfortable writing in English because as a child I lived in the US the first 8 years and obviously, went to school in English and once I moved back to Canada, I continued my education in English. My family has always spoken French though, so I am comfortable speaking French. The slang is different here in Quebec compared to where I grew up, though.

My son goes to school 50% in English and 50% in French, but because my husband and I speak English at home he is more fluent in English. I’m hoping one day he will be completely bilingual and perhaps add another language or two (or more…)

I guess I liked bebe because it was short and because of the meaning and I guess, as a nod to my French Canadian roots.


Mine is a combination of my first and previous last name. It’s unique…lol.

Well, mine is my first name (actually my name is Patricia) and the first few letters of my last name. Not very creative.

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Mine is rather uncreative my first and second initial and the first five of my last name my first name is Sondra second Marie wish I would have used Sundy that is what my father in law has always called me.

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I guess mine is rather boring , but I am Jean Philpott from B.C. Canada . My handle is Reborn Baby Boutique after my nursery name . I love Reborns , and have always wanted to own a Baby Boutique full of sweet baby things . Thus the name REBORN BABY BOUTIQUE ! And yes, I have collected A LOT of baby things . LOL!


Love all these…so neat to hear the stories behind the name… :smile:

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Thank you Starr :wink: you know, I’ve always thought Starr was a really cool name. It reminds me of Star from the Lost Boys if you’ve ever seen that movie. I’m with you on the Becky thing- I’ve never liked being called that either!

Thanks for your kind comment about my name…My mother said that she was very sick when she was carrying me and when I was born and that I 'brightened her day" so that was why she named me Starr


Love that!

Well, hmmm…maybe with some little pigtails? You could be a Becky then…LOL. I love the name Rebecca by the way. i love all the old time names except my own. Helen is better now that when I was a kid as there is a new crop of young Helen’s, but when I was young only old ladies were named Helen. Now that I’m an old lady, there are lots of young people named Helen. Where’s the fair in that, huh?


Just means that it is a pretty special name for pretty special people would be my guess :wink: