I'm sick

I feel awful, I was hoping to get another reborn done before the end of the year, was planning to work on him all weekend but low and behold every time I try to get something done something else happens, this time I’m sick, fun! I just woke up like this Vomiting, awful cramps I’m going back to bed wish me luck on getting over this :mask: :sleeping:


Get well quick quick


Too bad! Hope you feel better fast!



Hppe you feel better soon


Feel better. :blue_heart::purple_heart::heart:


Think I know how you feel I have one that could have been finished three weeks ago just sitting there but life calls at times unexpected.
My husband was sick I nursed him for ten days he was just coming out then I went in and still after ten days lingers on now my grandson became sick we took him to the doctor Friday.
They said viral they thought so we treated him for that for the next ten hours then we had to take him to emergency room .
So he just came out of surgery an hour ago having an appendix which was partly gangrenous removed thank the lord he had it done today the doctor said it would have ruptured if left another day.
So all in all I think the baby can wait another three weeks without too much injury to it or me it sucks to have to wait but I have to see here what is most important Thank the Lord again for seeing us through .
Hope you and I are both back to our babies soon and in good health I think this is where I say I am not going to sweat the small stuff anymore .

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Oh no!! I hope you feel better! I’m getting over something I had swollen glands and felt so sick I couldn’t do anything. It was awful but I’m on the mend.
I hope you get well soon and I hope you get to work on your doll!
Try nasal spray with aloe and have some ginger ale and saltines

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Sounds like a stomach virus. Praying you feel better soon. :pray:t2:

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Hope you feel better fast.

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Yeah!!! Thank the Lord he’s coming home from hospital today :clap:

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Sending you hugs and get well wishes…Feel better soon! :sparkling_heart:

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Feel better soon

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I’m feeling a little better today, no stomach cramps and no vomiting yet, but I’m super dizzy

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You might be dehydrated. Keep sipping fluids.

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Thank you @Little_Ducks_Nursery I feel better just knowing he is better and I am very pleased to hear you are doing better .
I will include you in my prayers

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Awwwww, gee…hope everyone who’s ailing gets to feeling better SOON!


get well soon :mask:

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