I went to the post office today

I went to the post office this morning and mailed my round robin and my july swap baby. I hope I will make 2 someones happy in a few days. i have to go into work Wednesday 0745 and work a 72 hour shift so I wont be able to mail later in the week.

Yay! Things are rolling i need to weigh my baby so i can get it on the birth certificate and then it well be shiped so probebly wednessday i can’t wait to see all of these babies

I am now nervous. I always am on pins and needles until I know the new mommy likes him/her. I will get off shift Saturday 0745 so if mine was to be delivered before then I have a secure place my post worker knows to leave my packages.

I checked on my baby and for some reason she is going a lot slower than my round robin. Good grief USPS hurry up will ya?

— Begin quote from “Debora Jenkins”

I am now nervous. I always am on pins and needles until I know the new mommy likes him/her. I will get off shift Saturday 0745 so if mine was to be delivered before then I have a secure place my post worker knows to leave my packages.

— End quote

I wonder if God feels like this when He makes a new baby? This is a nice meditation for this day of drama. Thankyou Deb for putting words to the feeling.


Good grief I hope God does not feel this way with as many babies born. Honestly I get so nervous that I sometimes get diarrhea when I know it is time.