I need to improve I will improve!

Since I have been sick this past week I have not been up and about so much and have lurked here looking at all the beautiful babies I see. I can see I need so much improvement in my skills! I am going to strive to make my babies I do in my second year of reborning more realistic. I am open to suggestions from anyone as to how I should do this.

As soon as I get caught up I have an AA Cora class to do. Thank you Jan I will send

wow ok Jan

I have to work on my schedule not someone else so taking classes at their schedule does not work in my house. I have painted my wall again this morning and laundry started, dishes done, I bleach the dogs bowls. waiting on the floor to dry then I am taking the curtains off the windows for washing today and throw every thing out of my clothes closet which is not longer organized any more sad to say. I have the rugs to vacuum and put back down and more walls to bleach. Yes, I work at my own pace! To be honest I am happiest at home cleaning and cooking. I have worked 96 plus hours work week for so many years now I just want to stay home and clean and cook and be with my guys. We are having surprise for supper too lol. My husband has this vacuum sealer thingy he loves to play with which is fine if he would label the packages. I am also cleaning out the freezer and cooking out of it so I can be ready to restock with nice fresh veggies I will get out of the garden this summer. I keep telling him it is fine to use your toy but label it. What is so hard to write what it is and they date it was put in there? LOL I label every thing. Sorry another rant. I am goign to be asking for more help with my babies tho.

I just need to start improving by picking up a paintbrush first! If this headache goes away, maybe this evening. Let me know if you need another opinion. I use the air dry paint though. Maybe someday I will try the genesis again…when I get a little oven. So far, the key to both seems to be keeping the paint thinner than I could have ever imagined! I just got even tinier brushes for veins and hair since I left the ones I’d gotten at my son’s.