Help please! Do you sell your babies to children?

Hi me again! Once more I want to ask for your help, here in my country they do not understand what a Reborn baby is and think that it is a toy for little girls, many mothers are writing to me saying that they want the baby for their daughters, I do not know How to explain that it is not a toy, you in the USA and of other countries sell reborns to children?
I don’t want to sell my babies to a child and get damaged, and then they demand something from me later… Please help


I sold a baby to a mother who gave the baby to her 12 year old as a present. If you’re worried about people buying them for kids I would recommend stating that you won’t sell reborns for kids under age 10, or something like that.


Ok, thank you so much for your answer :heartpulse::pray:

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Specify in your description that these dolls are NOT TOYS but 3 dimensional art intended for adult collectors and are not suitable for young children. I also specify that they don’t meet child safety standards (because of glass beads, magnets and other small parts). That should cover you if someone buys it and gives it to a child, which you have no way of knowing if they don’t tell you. Some children are responsible enough to take care of a reborn. Others aren’t. Only the parent would know that. Even at 5 or 6 I treated my dolls like real babies. Some kids throw them in the toybox on their heads.


I put a disclaimer in my my listing about this being art, not a toy, I am not responsible for damage caused by mistreatment.

If I’m talking to a mom who I know will gift to a young child, I give them my warnings (magnets, beads, damage ect.) Many times the moms will go ahead with the purchase, putting the doll on display as a special baby that will only be held with mom’s supervision or something like that.

Many here may disagree with me, but I sell to whoever wants to buy. My job is to educate, not to police what people choose to do with the doll once they purchase. Honestly I would have no control over that anyway.


SImply tell them that these are high art collectors dolls that are recommended for adults. After that it’s out of your hands.


If it’s a legitimate purchase, I also sell to whoever wants to buy. Once it arrives at the destination it’s theirs to do what they want with. If they say it’s for a very young child I refer them to Ashton Drake and suggest that they wait until the child is a little older before buying them a reborn. If they still want it, I’ll sell it.


Thank you very much ladies, you are really helping me a lot, maybe I will make a document putting all those explanations and that once the purchase is made, it is no longer my responsibility


I definitely agree with you about kids being so different. My oldest was destructive and probably would have still damaged a reborn as a teen, whereas my six year old is gentle and sweet. She has been handling them beautifully for years now. So definitely kid by kid and only parents would be able to judge that.


Ok so I have sold some for younger kids and they understand what may happen. But on that note a lot of the clients I have take their babies everywhere with them, to the park, stores and restaurants… but they all know the rush e they take plus the fact they charge their clothes all the time


I have a question, do you put the latex gloves on the arms and legs also or how do you do it?

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I see, I am learn a lot here​:heart_eyes::heartpulse: Thank you, also what you ladies put in your care instructions?

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That’s great​:heart_eyes::heartpulse: Thank you so much for your help :heartpulse:

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Thank you so so much!! That is great :heartpulse:, I will do that, thank you do much!!

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