Help me match a sculpt to this baby please

I have been searching for quite a while and cannot find a sculpt that looks anything like this baby. Maybe y’all can offer some assistance. The customer is going to be wanting it soon and I am at a loss.



Have you considered Rowan? She’s not a perfect match, but the eyebrows you do are going to be the key to this one.


I think she looks a lot like Saoirse but I can’t find one.


Also kinda leaning toward Josiah by L.aura Tuzio Ross. What do y’all think?

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Rowan is who came to mind right away.

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Milo by Rebecca Biederman might work if you can find one. He’s been discontinued. There’s one on ebay but it’s $199.99. I also think Josiah would be a good match.


Goodness…this one is a tough one.

There’s this sculpt, it’s a cheaper one from China. I used this one as a portrait doll of my grandson.

I was also thinking of Milo by Bountiful Baby. Discontinued, but someone might have one?

not sure if you want a toddler- but Iris has similar features


Kristi’s right. Iris would be a good match.


Yes! Kristi to the rescue again!

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All good suggestions. Iris is precious, but she wants an infant. Milo would work, but of course, he is long discontinued. What do y’all think about Kinsey?

She is cute- but that is a hard match, I tried-

Kinsey might be a good match. Is this the only picture you have of the baby? Another picture may help.

Milo kit is on eBay now for $25.99.

I am LOLing @ “Ofelia” up there!! Too funny @Nikkiroc!


Not seeing Kinsey at all. Milo on eBay is much better.

The only Milo kit on ebay is $199 and my customer won’t go for that. :neutral_face: