Hello Everyone! I'm new to this forum and new to reborning

Welcome! You might want to buy some test parts or a belly plate etc to play with colors and see what you like. I dont ise heat paints but same applies with testing :wink: can’t wait to see your work! :heart:

Um, YEAH, she really DOES use these colors :grinning: My husband says I’m obsessed with watching your videos but I’ve learned SO MUCH and started my first baby with more confidence - thanks to your great videos! I’ve even played them in the car - without video, of course!

I’m looking so forward to it :slight_smile:

Yes…I do feel like I am very lucky…I only live 120 miles from the show so I’m definitely going to take advantage of it!!

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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome wishes and welcome to all the other new people as well. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and tip and tutorials! You’re very kind and awesome and it has been very helpful!

Thank you all so much for such a kind and wonderful welcome! I’m very excited to join you! :smiley:

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